Thoughts on Rebalancing Leader abilities

It makes little sense to me as to why some leaders in the current and recent metas (QGJ, Dooku, Phasma immediately come to mind) are so imbalanced when it comes to the utility of their leader ability and the strength of their basic/special abilities. For instance, if you were to swap the leader ability of QGJ with Eeth Koth, and Dooku with Savage Oppress while keeping basic/special the same, it would be so much harder to legitimately complain about either QGJ/Dooku being OP. Without +speed or +% evasion and Offense Up, these toons are solid as a rock, but the addition of the "best" leader abilities in the game shifts them on the spectrum toward OP. Of course everyone will use them as Leader because the alternative leader options are so poor in comparison. We'll see what this rebalancing update has in store but it seems like tweaking leader abilities for toons with the poorest base and special attacks (and vice versa) would do more to increase the variety of team composition than a simple 'protection'/speed/HP/damage juggling act. Improving the leader abilities of lesser utilized characters could give them a contributing role on Arena squads. As it is now plenty of fully starred and upgraded characters will never see the light of day in the Arena because their collective skill set is simply too weak to compete. If leader abilities aren't rebalanced then after a week of experimenting post-update, we'll be right back to the current meta situation where one leader rules them all.
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