Potential New Guild, Taco Bell Amigos

Looking to see if there are people interested in joining a new casual guild “Taco Bell Amigos” after this upcoming Territory Battle. I am considering creating a new guild that is independent of alliances and the micromanaging of the high GP guilds.
I am looking to find players that are active and looking to complete their own goals, no GP requirements as of right now. I don’t care what side of the game you enjoy the most. If you want to work towards better GAC teams, higher damage raid teams, or just collecting the characters you like, then do whatever you like.
As long as you are active and participate in some guild activities (especially at the beginning as we get our numbers up). I can basically solo the sith raid, so we will be at least doing that for rewards, hoping to get up to krayt dragon somewhat quickly.
If anyone is interested, you can reach out to me on here, in-game (Ally code: 258-833-861), or on discord (not required for guild btw) at latenightmunchs.
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