290 mil GP looking for 3 more heavy hitters

5 posts Member
edited July 2023
Guild is CR33PING D3ATH and we are looking for 3 more daily active players to helps us with finishing CPIt and working towards KAM shards. Discord: https://discord.gg/3A5Vdf9c Reset at 2030 EST 25 million box from Krayt
Raid Max Hoth and 10* GEO LS TB / 27* GEO DS TB / 15*
ROTE with 30-35 WAT shards and 2 Reva shards (we now have 5 GIs, so more soon) Must participate daily and in all TBs. Missing a day or so because of life is understandable, so please just communicate. Guild is at
290 Mil GP with 47/50 people. New members should be around 5 mil GP and have at least one GL. We are growing quickly and have made a lot of efforts to keep participation high amongst all members.
Post edited by BlahZach88 on
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