Pre Visla

17 posts Member
edited April 2016
Suggestion for a new character:

Pre Visla (with helmet!)

Classes: Scoundrel, Attacker

Basic Ability:
Arm Blaster Attack - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 20% chance to inflict Healing Immunity.

Special Ability:
Dark Saber Attack - Deal Physical damage to target enemy, gain 50% Turn Meter. This attack deals double against when the target enemy has less than 60% Health.

Leader Ability:
All scoundrel allies gain 20% Critical Damage and gain 20% Max Health, and other allies gain half that amount.

Unique Ability:
Pre Visla has a +12% Critical Chance, when attacking an enemy, who is not a Jedi or Sith.

7* Stats:
STR: 600
AGI: 900
INT: 900
Health: 13000
Speed: 90
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