Kit Concept: Tantive IV (Definitive)

The Tantive IV was a CR-90 Corvette under the flag of Alderaan, in the service of the House of Organa. The ship was a central player in the events at the beginning of the Galactic Civil War, serving as Princess Leia Organa's personal starship in the leadup to the Battle of Yavin.


NAME: Tantive IV

CREW: Princess Leia


CLASS: Support


Non-combatant ship that keeps the Rebel fleet alive as they carry out their mission


Basic: Diplomatic Mission

All Rebel allies recover 10% Health and Protection. If the Capital Ship is Rebel, this recovery is doubled.

Special: Star of Alderaan (Cooldown: 4)

Dispel all debuffs on target ally and gain 5% Turn Meter for each Debuff dispelled. Each ally gains a buff based on their role:
-Tank: Taunt and Tenacity Up for 2 Turns
-Support or Healer: Foresight and Speed Up for 2 Turns
-Attacker: Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 Turns

Unique: House of Organa

(Crew) Tantive IV has +25 Speed and Tenacity. Tantive IV can't be targeted and is immune to Taunt effects. If there are no combatant ships and the Capital Ship is gone, Tantive IV escapes from battle.

Reinforcement: Blockade Runner

Enter Battle: Tantive IV dispels all Debuffs on all allies and they gain Chaff for 3 turns.
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