Guild recruiting Active players looking to learn and grow

Join CAGoH Power Today!
Part of the Syndicate Alliance of 17 guilds with access to large discord community (oppertunity to transfer to a higher guild when your roster is ready). CAGoH Power is looking for active players who want to help this guild grow and prosper under new leadership.
—> Discord Mandatory for all members.
—> 1M min GP (expectations can be made)
--> Active daily, willing to learn --> 500-600 tickets daily is a must (Please inform any officers for away periods.)
--> GP 100m
--> LSHothTB = 26*
--> DSHothTB = 28*
--> DSGeoTB = 4* (4 Wat shards, But looking to increase that number quickly)
--> TW record = 48-4
--> Guild Reset - (19:30 EST)
--> Sith Raid - alternating times
--> GUILD EXPECTATIONS -Join on TB and TW -Checking discord on a regular basis -Participation is a must

Discord link -
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