
Well I won’t be buying the conquest pass. This’ll be the first time I won’t buy it. Fix the enemy teams difficulty and I’ll purchase it. Simple as that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


  • Mace
    29 posts Member
    Same bro. First time in years I thought to just delete the game.
  • Mace
    29 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Wasted crystals to beat a unbeatable team
  • VarthDader79
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Rubberb0y wrote: »
    Well I won’t be buying the conquest pass. This’ll be the first time I won’t buy it. Fix the enemy teams difficulty and I’ll purchase it. Simple as that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Well said. They clearly don’t respect us enough to deliver a quality product so it’s time to freeze all spending on this game for me.
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    Not spending till they do something worth of my time and money
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    I agree, con quest is crappy, but, I did manage to kill the boss with jmk. I read it wasnt possible earlier
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    I'd like to know if the difficulty spike across the board is intentional and we will know that soon enough. They either post something that says it's a mistake that will be fixed or post nothing and we know it's intentional.
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    I don't think anyone looks at Jabba and gives him a fast ult by accident, or makes another team just completely immune to debuffs and take 75% less damage. It's a giant FU for sure, we'll see if the backlash is enough for a retreat. They may have underestimated how far they went due to obviously not actually playing it before release
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    This is by far the worst Conquest I’ve ever seen. A total energy drain with the same teams over and over. All the fun mods are gone and this has become work instead of play.
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    I'm so glad I didn't get the conquest pass. Why would anyone pay money to go up against a character or in this case two (LV & Emp) whose special ability is that they can't be beaten? What a joke.
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    I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sure lots of people defeated all the nodes. I'm one of them.

    Did you have a data disk plan? Were you able to use that plan or did it not come together?
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    I'm so glad I didn't get the conquest pass. Why would anyone pay money to go up against a character or in this case two (LV & Emp) whose special ability is that they can't be beaten? What a joke.
    People that read the modifiers would know how to beat them. Give that a try.
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    I'm so glad I didn't get the conquest pass. Why would anyone pay money to go up against a character or in this case two (LV & Emp) whose special ability is that they can't be beaten? What a joke.

    That was one of the easiest battles going, I even used it to get the riposte feat completed. You do realize your leader has a special ability right?
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    I didn't even remember what battle that was, but now I do. I didn't even read the modifiers going in. But I wasn't killing them and I stopped to read things, and figured out what was going on and won first time -- even getting my info mid-battle instead of before I picked my squad.

    It really was one of the easier battles, and allowing you to keep going forever does make it easy to get feats.
  • scuba
    14130 posts Member
    I didn't even remember what battle that was, but now I do. I didn't even read the modifiers going in. But I wasn't killing them and I stopped to read things, and figured out what was going on and won first time -- even getting my info mid-battle instead of before I picked my squad.

    It really was one of the easier battles, and allowing you to keep going forever does make it easy to get feats.

    Don't tell them that, they will change it
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    I agree, not just the messed up ramping they rolled back, but overall. No reason full r8+ GL teams should be getting wiped out. Conquest is manditory if you want to progress, yet its a chore and every time it rolls around, i KNOW i have to do it, but it creeps in the back of my head to just uninstall and walk away. Its not fun, its not engaging. Facing teams that outspeed a 550+ speed slkr or take ten+ turns in a row and just delete a beefy tank. It sucks. its not fun. I will never spend another dime on this game until something is done about it. If people want mega challenges, they already get that in PVP where the best of the best and toughest squads will always be.
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    zeroeffort wrote: »
    I agree, not just the messed up ramping they rolled back, but overall. No reason full r8+ GL teams should be getting wiped out. Conquest is manditory if you want to progress, yet its a chore and every time it rolls around, i KNOW i have to do it, but it creeps in the back of my head to just uninstall and walk away. Its not fun, its not engaging. Facing teams that outspeed a 550+ speed slkr or take ten+ turns in a row and just delete a beefy tank. It sucks. its not fun. I will never spend another dime on this game until something is done about it. If people want mega challenges, they already get that in PVP where the best of the best and toughest squads will always be.

    Interesting choice of handle, makes one wonder….
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    zeroeffort wrote: »
    I agree, not just the messed up ramping they rolled back, but overall. No reason full r8+ GL teams should be getting wiped out. Conquest is manditory if you want to progress, yet its a chore and every time it rolls around, i KNOW i have to do it, but it creeps in the back of my head to just uninstall and walk away. Its not fun, its not engaging. Facing teams that outspeed a 550+ speed slkr or take ten+ turns in a row and just delete a beefy tank. It sucks. its not fun. I will never spend another dime on this game until something is done about it. If people want mega challenges, they already get that in PVP where the best of the best and toughest squads will always be.

    Could it be that you're selecting the wrong counters? I don't have any full R8 GL teams - most of my GLs are R7 and most of their companions are minimum relic levels. In a whole conquest I'll have at most 4 or 5 battles that take more than one attempt and that's usually because I picked the wrong counter. Also, I play almost all my conquest battles on auto. I feel like maybe you need a different strategy - a different disk setup maybe? Something seems off if you're having that much trouble with teams that strong. Are there any particular fights that you're struggling with? Maybe we can help?
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Most people dont want help, they just want to complain.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    I can normally pick through, the issues come regularly with the rebel modifier, watching Sabine or Ezra take turn after turn until they kill a toon, you can't out speed them because even at 550 speeds you are 2-3 turns behind. Those are amazingly frustrating matches.
    I'd love a disc that gives TM every time the enemy gets a turn, that would make more teams viable.
    Also the 40 battles with X faction then not finding teams they can counter, or this time round getting Imperial troopers on 12 of 15 nodes when I need to use Nightsisters to apply plague in sector 2 (still working through this sector). I know the answer is blitz through with things that work and clean up feats after but the stamina makes that difficult (20 wins with my G10-12 Phoenix who need to be at 100% to win realistically).
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    Mohrg wrote: »
    I can normally pick through, the issues come regularly with the rebel modifier, watching Sabine or Ezra take turn after turn until they kill a toon, you can't out speed them because even at 550 speeds you are 2-3 turns behind. Those are amazingly frustrating matches.
    I'd love a disc that gives TM every time the enemy gets a turn, that would make more teams viable.
    Also the 40 battles with X faction then not finding teams they can counter, or this time round getting Imperial troopers on 12 of 15 nodes when I need to use Nightsisters to apply plague in sector 2 (still working through this sector). I know the answer is blitz through with things that work and clean up feats after but the stamina makes that difficult (20 wins with my G10-12 Phoenix who need to be at 100% to win realistically).

    If you get Captain Rex fast enough to out speed Bad Batch on the sector 1 bonus node you can hit it 2-4 times per day. Mine is 290 but I think you can go as low as 260 and still get the first turn. With the right disk setup this battle is over in a few seconds and Bad Batch never gets a turn. Volatile Accelerator and two Amplify Agony should do it.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Lord vader gets 3 stars with one turn for the last three or four conquests with the right datacrons.. Don’t go for red crate and don’t go for the stupid feats and it’s fun and easy..
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    Always go for red crate.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Mohrg wrote: »
    I can normally pick through, the issues come regularly with the rebel modifier, watching Sabine or Ezra take turn after turn until they kill a toon, you can't out speed them because even at 550 speeds you are 2-3 turns behind. Those are amazingly frustrating matches.
    I'd love a disc that gives TM every time the enemy gets a turn, that would make more teams viable.
    Also the 40 battles with X faction then not finding teams they can counter, or this time round getting Imperial troopers on 12 of 15 nodes when I need to use Nightsisters to apply plague in sector 2 (still working through this sector). I know the answer is blitz through with things that work and clean up feats after but the stamina makes that difficult (20 wins with my G10-12 Phoenix who need to be at 100% to win realistically).

    You can win 10 times in a row with Phoenix in the node that has Vader+Wampa, just need a certain disk setup
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    the rebel modifier, watching Sabine or Ezra take turn after turn until they kill a toon,

    There are teams that are immune to crits. Hux and JMK provide their respective squads crit immunity.

    And inquisitors with Reva lead + Amplify Agony + VA will allow you to beat almost anything easily. (The enemy gains 6 purge before anyone mores, which applies 6xAA damage while everyone is still at 0 TM. Then VA applies at least 12 dots (2 per purge) causing 12xAA damage. Even if you don't have an extra AA disk or a Blue VA disk and that's where the cycle ends, some of the enemy will be out of protection and into health damage. (The way I play it with 2xAA disks you usually have some of the enemy with only 1 health left before anyone moves.) Then GrandInq gets a bonus turn and uses his AoE. 7S can then heal and grant Crit Immunity if you have Ruthless Swiftness and if any enemies are left alive.

    There are probably others I'm not thinking about just now, but between FO, JMK, and Reva-Inqs you have enough options that you can focus on one and have it ready for next conquest.

    Oh, and Rey as well. She doesn't provide crit immunity, but the provides damage immunity when you hit yellow health, so people can get knocked low before you move, but they can't die before you move.

    There are probably a bunch of other solutions people have come across, but those have all worked for me.

    As for 20 wins with Phoenix, yeah, that's not terribly easy without Captain Rex, but he's required in the squad anyway, and if you have the kyros to get him up to g10 or so, and if you can get the VA + AA + RS combo going, you only need one fast Phoenix toon to obliterate the Sector1 DC node before BB gets a turn. The g10 is just for insurance, but also adds some speed to him from certain gear pieces.

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