Normal Difficulty Rancor OP?

So I just unlocked normal difficulty, and I go into sector 1 and struggle through the first miniboss. Then I am faced with a crazy rancor that takes 4-6 turns each time, and is tanking damage from my toons. I have a relic 4 Wampa, relic padme+5s+GK, and a relic JKR. It shouldnt be that hard to beat a 'g12' rancor with increased stats. Is there a way to beat it or am I stuck this conquest with no rewards. There was just a fix for the hard difficulty but it seems there has been no change to normal difficulty.


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    They’ve increased the difficulty on conquest to force people to rely on buying consumables which they’ve also nerfed to only last one battle now. Unfortunately even with an R8 Rey team I could only squeak by with one star as he ate 2 before I could kill him. I did not use any consumables on that but it was after the “fix”, I don’t know if it’s doable with your team but you might as well try with the free energy. Good luck with RNG.
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    Well after an hour of trying tech and different teams, I can confirm there is no difference. Why do I go out of my way to pay for a pass that give me nothing. I know for sure that even in the previous conquest I would have gotten further with weaker toons then I have now. Is there going to be any fix or is this it?
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    BH all the way bossk lead,mando,greef,boba and aurra got it done for me but 1st time round wiped me in 58 secs lol
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    Well after an hour of trying tech and different teams, I can confirm there is no difference. Why do I go out of my way to pay for a pass that give me nothing. I know for sure that even in the previous conquest I would have gotten further with weaker toons then I have now. Is there going to be any fix or is this it?

    Hopefully they will realize these changes are alienating most of the players and reverse them for next conquest but unfortunately I doubt they do anything else this time around. I would get a refund for the pass through either Apple or Google, quite a few people have already so there shouldn’t be any problem.
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    they are fleecing players of money
  • babylonfallen3
    130 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    @cg Just got to the rancor in normal conquest part 1 and it is definitely messed up. Used a fully rested relic level 5to8 bounty hunter team and got destroyed by the rancor.
    Post edited by babylonfallen3 on
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    Just tried with a relic 5 kru team as well and can't beat it. Has cg given any updates on a fix for normal mode conquest?
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    A relic 6 wampa, with relic 3 JKR lead, relic 5 GK and g12 bastilla shan and mace windu are getting rancor to low yellow. Every assist goes to wampa and with the buffs from bastilla actually does damage to rancor. Too bad rancor eats them all before they can defeat him. Why is rancor taking 8 turns in a row when I have 200+ speed toons, with offence booster and extra health tech. CG do you even care about your player base? The fact that relic teams cant get through a 'g12' rancor shows that you havent even bothered to test your conquest
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    I barely squeezed 1 star with a high relic team, a ton of attempts and 3 consumables. It is definitely way too hard for normal sector 1.
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead you probably arent aware of this but low level players doing normal conquest cant beat the first boss. I dont think my r5 wampa+GK and r3 JKR should be struggling against a 'g12' rancor. Even with extra offence boosters I am only getting to low yellow. I have heard that some people need JMK to beat it. Normal conquest should be for early to midgame players, not requiring a galactic legend to beat. Is there gonna be any rework on the sector 1 boss?
  • babylonfallen3
    130 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead you probably arent aware of this but low level players doing normal conquest cant beat the first boss. I dont think my r5 wampa+GK and r3 JKR should be struggling against a 'g12' rancor. Even with extra offence boosters I am only getting to low yellow. I have heard that some people need JMK to beat it. Normal conquest should be for early to midgame players, not requiring a galactic legend to beat. Is there gonna be any rework on the sector 1 boss?

    I believe they are aware and just don't care about us normal difficulty accounts. This difficulty increase was obviously CG's intention because if it was not they would of addressed it. With only 4or5 post bringing this normal conquest difficulty up its not enough to make cg give a hoot about it. The wheel must squeek much more to be addressed.
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