Lightspeed Bundles (the negatives of them)

16 posts Member
edited October 2023
Not sure if anyone from EA or CG will actually read this, but wanted to let you know about the loss of players from the game due to the lightspeed bundles.

The slow grind is what many find appealing about the game and not looking for a shortcuts to the finish line. Those that are looking to advance as fast as they can will likely not play the game too long. Several people I know spent a year working towards and getting SLKR for example, and when they saw pack come out for sale, they got quite upset that all their effort was essentially pointless. Further, they said there’s no guarantee CG won’t do this again, and we don’t know what they would do and offer so what is the point of farming anything else if it’s just gonna be offered up for sale again? Needless to say they left the game with no intention of ever playing it again, after they have played multiple years, most in the 2-3 years of gameplay range.

There probably aren’t many good metrics for CG to notice this drop of players but there sure are ways to see how much money they made from these lightspeed bundles which I’m sure was a lot! My guild lost about 5-6% of players who quit the game permanently. I have no idea if this happened on a large scale or not but just passing on what I observed. I am still playing the game but if I notice everything starts being for sale I might stop as well.

If the true intent of these packs is to help catch up new players to those that have been playing 7+ years, then my suggestion would be to make the packs only accessible to player accounts that are new, and not a year old player account for example. After all, if it is accessible to all then new players aren’t exactly gaining ground on old players that purchase the same thing. If the game is winding down and EA/CG are just trying to get as much money as they can in the next 6-12 months, then I understand continuing to put crazy good deals up in the store for everybody to purchase.

In any case it’s a fun game probably the best Star Wars themed one out there right now and I hope it can continue.
Post edited by TerrinaldScreed on


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    5% of a guild of 50 people is 2.5… so since 2-3 people in your guild left you’re taking it as veteran players are leaving because of lightspeed bundles…?

    If people aren’t farming GLs or progressing their roster due to fears of bundles being sold, they’re not being of much help to themselves or the guild. It’s never a waste to farm them, even if a pack gets released after
  • TerrinaldScreed
    16 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    I was conservative in my estimate, but at least three maybe even five people left and I have heard other people leaving as well. Also feel people are hesitant to say things that are controversial or not the majority of opinion so providing another side of the story.

    Maybe this truly is a minority opinion, but if I had just worked a year on putting together SEE, and then a pack came out that takes 80% of the effort away I might very well feel like 80% of my effort or 10 months was pointless and I should’ve done something else.

    I’m still playing the game and happy with the game, just passing on what the other individuals that quit said. The packs are a great deal of value which never happens. I am sure the majority of everybody are happy with them because of the value.
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    Someone who has focused on farming a GL the old fashioned way should honestly already have the materials needed to zeta and mod them at unlock. That won’t be the case for a lot of people shelling out money for the packs.
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    Agreed. And I see from your number of posts you are quite active here on the forums, so if you’re saying that what I have experienced from others is negligible then the whole point of this post is mute. If one person that’s a RGP, Revenue Generating Player, leaves every guild in the entire game, that is statistically relevant for long-term profit but if it truly is just 100 people that play this game that left out of the million playing then again I say there’s no point to this discussion thread if it’s that small of a percentage of people that were not happy with the bundles and sorry for wasting your time.
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    Finally, someone focusing on the negatives! I personally am sick of all the positivity around here...
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    Finally, someone focusing on the negatives! I personally am sick of all the positivity around here...
    Best comment of the week))
    Several people I know spent a year working towards and getting SLKR for example, and when they saw pack come out for sale, they got quite upset that all their effort was essentially pointless.
    SLKR was released 3 years ago, who are these people who spend last year to get him and not the actual GLs?
    These packs are awesome, even for returning players. And they definitely will not include actual GLs (Leia, Jabba, JMK).
    Also they will not grant you a GL, you need some more work on relics and Capt.ships.
    I think will be more new packs to get Journey Guide chars (Chewie, Padme, GAS, Malak...)

  • TerrinaldScreed
    16 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    I’ll tell you exactly, it’s no secret. If you are a brand new player playing the game for less than one year, you are very happy about this bundle and it helped bring you forward tremendously for great value, if you wanted to skip all the grinding. If you’ve been playing this game for many years and are already 6mil+ GP then you don’t mind this bundle at all either generally speaking because you are way past this and as you mentioned worked on SLKR 3 years ago, so it’s old news to you.
    ToLive wrote: »
    SLKR was released 3 years ago, who are these people who spend last year to get him and not the actual GLs?

    The people that seem to be upset and/or quit the game because of this are the people that have been playing the game may be around 2 years, are maybe about 2.5 million GP, and they decided to work towards their first GL and just happened to pick SLKR for example. They spend the year working towards it only to find out if they had just waited they could’ve just spent $10 and saved 80% of their effort.
    ToLive wrote: »
    These packs are awesome, even for returning players.

    There is no denying that the packs are a great value, especially as long as relic materials can take. All I’m illustrating from this post, was that not 100% of everybody received these packs favorably, and specifically the group that was just past being considered a brand new player seemingly had a higher amount of dissatisfaction. If it truly is such a very small amount of people that was upset by these packs then again I say this post did not really need to be made.
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    It’s basically like saying you work really hard at a job to get to the pay u want and you finally get there then you find out the new hires are being brought in at $.50-1.00 below you even though you worked for many years to get where you are and started way lower. Though I am torn with the packs brought in, I am glad bc it will bring new players to the game which in turn will let us have newer events and raids but for there to be no compensation to players that spent years grinding for characters that others get right off the bat is u fair I think there should be som compensation for those people
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    Catch up mechanics are needed. Otherwise the game will die. Yes, you may have enjoyed the 7 year grind to get to where you are, but you *cannot* expect the game to remain healthy if a new player who joins today won't be where you are until that same 7 year time investment. It's just not how that works. This entire post is absurd.
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    Celoth wrote: »
    Catch up mechanics are needed. Otherwise the game will die. Yes, you may have enjoyed the 7 year grind to get to where you are, but you *cannot* expect the game to remain healthy if a new player who joins today won't be where you are until that same 7 year time investment. It's just not how that works. This entire post is absurd.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion so politely. To reiterate, I did say I think the bundle is great for new players and should be available specifically for new players. Of course they can’t be 7 years behind. It’s absurd to think the game would be able to go on without a catch up mechanic of some sort for new players.
  • TVF
    36838 posts Member
    Any veteran player that leaves over this either was already planning to do so, or needs to get a sense of perspective.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Any veteran player that leaves over this either was already planning to do so, or needs to get a sense of perspective.

    You are correct, I was incorrect using the word “veteran” when referring to a player that’s played 1 or 2 years. Veteran likely denotes a longer term player.
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    Celoth wrote: »
    Catch up mechanics are needed. Otherwise the game will die. Yes, you may have enjoyed the 7 year grind to get to where you are, but you *cannot* expect the game to remain healthy if a new player who joins today won't be where you are until that same 7 year time investment. It's just not how that works. This entire post is absurd.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion so politely. To reiterate, I did say I think the bundle is great for new players and should be available specifically for new players. Of course they can’t be 7 years behind. It’s absurd to think the game would be able to go on without a catch up mechanic of some sort for new players.

    I just don't understand the disconnect then. You're saying this bundle is great for new players, great as a catch up, and you're noting that players need catch up mechanics like this. So... I'm not seeing the problem. I think, bluntly, veteran players leaving or threatening to leave over these is absurd. Of course, YMMV, and who am I to tell you how to have a good time? But I think it's a completely silly take, sorry.

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    Celoth wrote: »

    I just don't understand the disconnect then. You're saying this bundle is great for new players, great as a catch up, and you're noting that players need catch up mechanics like this. So... I'm not seeing the problem. I think, bluntly, veteran players leaving or threatening to leave over these is absurd. Of course, YMMV, and who am I to tell you how to have a good time? But I think it's a completely silly take, sorry.

    I understand and yes, YMMV. Unfortunately the people that were upset by this aren’t the ones commenting on this post lol. I don’t have all the answers nor am I claiming to, and a catch-up mechanic is needed for new players but that does not mean that the way the lightspeed bundles are or how they were offered was perfect either. Also doesn’t mean the lightspeed bundle is the best way to catch up a new player, may it is maybe it isn’t. Like I said earlier from my interactions and observations it was not new players upset, nor was it most of anyone that has played for years, it was the group just in between, and I suppose that is a smaller group. Likely that group is zero of the posts on this discussion. It seems most of the people commenting have been playing the game for a long time and that group certainly would not see an issue. I only wanted to illustrate to CG that not 100% of everybody that plays the game was happy with it as is and I think I’ve done that. Lightspeed bundles can certainly be modified or improved in different ways some of which have different discussions already on this forum, and if so, there might be a overall greater satisfaction with the bundles if they are adjusted instead of left as is.
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    Even if you got 50 people together who are unhappy about the bundle to comment it wouldn’t change (and shouldn’t change) anything as the vast majority of the community thinks the lightspeed bundles were good for the game. I personally didn’t go for it simply because I wasn’t interested but I do know a lot who did. This’d be the first of my hearing of an individual not liking them.
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    The real point is how many of the new players who purchase lightspeed packs stay, log in weekly , make more purchases and help sustain the game. I belive it will be low whilst alienating the core fan base.
    It's like purchasing a film and already knowing the ending. Where's the fun developing a character..
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    Pretty sure the hyperdrive bundle was the new player one
  • Miketo28
    212 posts Member
    edited February 28
    If you spend, you have an advantage. Just don't neglect mods!!
    For my main account, I gladly bought the Phoenix bundle. Cannot stress how nice it was to get a faction that kept getting pushed down in priority, got instantly reliced at a fair and reasonable price.
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    The best is in the arena battles:
    Do you want to fight
    1st Order 105000PG
    1st Order 103000PG
    1st Order 104000PG
    Louie Duck

    Same in the fleet arena

    Lol ...
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