I need some help.

I am a level 72 player. I play daily but not endlessly. I have spent 95 dollars, and contrary to what many say about moderate spenders, it has helped me a lot. I just got Barriss Offee today. Im running

QGJ 6* Leader
Tier 7 Gear, level 69

Luminara 7*
Tier 8 Gear, level 71

Sidious 6*
Tier 7 Gear, level 69

Yoda 6*
Tier 7 Gear, level 66

Then I have all these characters that I switch out for my 5th spot...

Eeth Koth 6*
Tier 7, level 64

Jedi Consular 6*
Tier 8, level 68

Talia 5*
Tier 8, level 70

Fives 5*
Tier 8, level 68

Dooku 5*
Tier 7, level 66

My Barriss could soon be an addition to this, although she is only 4*, gear 5 right now, and like level 40. She seems really good, as when my EK and JC were dead in galactic war, I subbed her and she did really good. I am currently trying to level up

Poe Dameron

What I need help with is who to spend my GW currency on? I have Lumi maxed. Poggle at 4* dont love him but hes not terrible. NS Initiate at 4* (3* was circumstance and chromium figured might as well do 4*) and shes not half bad. What do I do?

Also, my arena ranking is hovering 6-700. I would like to be top 50. Thanks!


  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    I would suggest you wait until the end of this week to see if the balance updates are released before committing to a new character.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    I also have a burning desire to have Kit Fisto, Ima Gun Di AND Darth Maul but cant manage to pull 'em from Chromium. Havent bought chromium in a while though, been spending more crystal on refills.
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    K will do.
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    The 3 you mention aren't worth right now. Especially kit
    TNR Rey of Hope, Heroic Raid 36/50
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    Since you already have Poggle at 4*, I would finish him. His damage does get better at higher star and gear, he also gets faster (142 speed), has a high chance to ability block with his basic, and gives your whole squad offense up.

    If you are looking for a nice damage dealer, Resistance Pilot hits hard, but he is a pain to gear up.
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    Yeah. I will finish poggle next. What about Phasma? People tell me she's good but I have her at 5* Tier 6 gear level 68 and shes kinda terrible.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Dont use Barriss in Arena.

    May as well paint a bullseye on your face.
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