How to Report Cheaters?

Hi there, what is currently the best way to report cheaters besides the in-game report button?

Attempted to contact CG Leviathan but saw another post saying he hasn't responded to messages in years.

Would post screenshots I have, but not sure if its against forum rules.

(Definitely cheating, this guy is climbing to the top of the fleet shard with 73k fleet power (3 star Executrix and ships) while everyone at the top has over 400k fleet power with R5 7 star ships.)


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    CG Leviathan was apparently last active in 2021, so yeah if there is a different person to get in contact with that would be appreciated :)
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    CG_Leviathan reads their messages - even if they’re not active on the forum. Send them a DM
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    Hi there, what is currently the best way to report cheaters besides the in-game report button?

    Attempted to contact CG Leviathan but saw another post saying he hasn't responded to messages in years.

    Would post screenshots I have, but not sure if its against forum rules.

    (Definitely cheating, this guy is climbing to the top of the fleet shard with 73k fleet power (3 star Executrix and ships) while everyone at the top has over 400k fleet power with R5 7 star ships.)
    I have the same situation in my fleet arena (wonder if same person). I reported in-game, but will send a message to CG Leviathan also
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