Profundity event bugged?

Have you noticed any changes to the monthly Profundity event? Last month I got 90 shards with 12 attempts, this month I have already made 20 attempts and I can't pass the event. The characters are the same, the strategy is the same, the mods are 6 dots. This is all ridiculous: all this tryes to get the last 10 shards...


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    It's an annoying difficulty level for what it's supposed to be, but I don't think the difficulty level is worse than previous.

    Are you opening with Profundity's 2nd special (3rd button) to dispel Xanadu Blood's stealth and give it Marked, then crushing it right away? One of the problems with the event is that at once a month you can't always remember the strategy you used last time, and since the fleets are forced on you you can't use the strategy you would in Fleet Arena or GAC/Fleet or whatever. So sometimes you approach the battle the wrong way even though you've done it before. I'm not saying that you did that this time, but b/c of how the event is structured, that is a risk.

    If there's anything else I can help you with, I'd be happy to do so. You can even stream the thing on 50Shards if you like.
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