I’m losing my mind in conquest

When I first started playing, conquest easy was fun and a great way to learn how to face other teams. Now that I’m at 3.5M gp, conquest normal is the definition of torture. I love dropping 2 days of battles on a gear 13 Ewok squad while using relic 5 and 7 team comps! The stupid battle modifiers and stat bonuses have made the game mode insufferable. If I could get past relic 1 at 3.5M gp perhaps I would debate buying the pass, but I probably need about 10 more zetas and 2 GLs before I can make it that far. Recommended for players above 2M gp btw.


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    I really hope you're exaggerating.

    Can you post your gg account? Maybe we can help you find a team that will work against those ewoks. Also what does your disk loadout look like?
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Certainly missing a few zetas would definitely purchase a zeta bundle. Already purchased the one in game once.
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    Stuck on a malgus revam team now if you can try to find a better comp than my CLS for that.
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    CLS seems like your best option, unfortunately. I would start picking up some amplify agonies and a volatile accelerator when you see them. That would solve most of your problems, I think.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Agreed. Any Conquest where Amplify Agony + Volatile Acc is available should prioritize those. Thermal Exhaust also messes up DRevan teams. As it is try CLS, Han, Chewie, 3PO and KRU. Your Voluntary Vanguard disc should mark KRU and make him taunt constantly and he’ll be immune to Malak’s drain life. Still going to be tough but maybe that’ll help get through it.
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