Rant: Jakku First Order Challenge

34 posts Member
edited December 2023
Alright... what happened here?
Tier 1-3 is against very easy opponents that die waaaay before you can get offense up×20,

And tier 4-10 are fleet-battles with 0 chance for a low-to-mid level player.
I am lvl80 and usually around rank 100-150 in fleet arena but I get squashed in tier 4 of this challenge.
How is a low-mid level player gonna assemble a fleet of empire ships against that kind of difficulty? I have 1 ship unlocked that is empire. The rest are a bunch of mix of misfits that are easy to get via fleet and galactic war store. They still do fine as the core are rebels and the rest complement each other well. So I can't get the bonuses as Empire, which is fine though, if it wasnt that the difficulty in fleet battle is immensely hard.

I can usually fight my way to tier 6-7 but my fighting for this challenge ends at 3 where I am only able too accumulate 34 keys. I had 76 keys last challenge that was separatist-oriented with only 1 separatist. But here I have a pretty decent empire ground-squad but cant do c--p after tier 3.

Post edited by crzydroid on


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    Character collecting, resource management game.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Level 80 player definitely isn't supposed to get high rewards (or even similar rewards) at every single GC.
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    TBH I was just glad they made the opposing team more survivable for the offense up 20 times feat. I remember in the past the hardest part of that feat was not killing the opposing team and trying to stall to get your feats done.
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    Yeah GCs will fluctuate in difficulty wildly. Some you’ll be well positioned to do well. Some you’ll struggle. As you advance and grow your roster, you’ll be able to do better on a wider variety of challenges. Your main goal is just always to get at least 1 if not 2 omicron mats. Won’t always be possible at your current level, but as you progress it’s something to aim for.
  • Haugs
    181 posts Member
    Alright... what the h**l happened here?
    Tier 1-3 is against very easy opponents that die waaaay before you can get offense up×20,

    And tier 4-10 are fleet-battles with 0 chance for a low-to-mid level player.
    I am lvl80

    I stopped reading here
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    Hortus wrote: »
    Level 80 player definitely isn't supposed to get high rewards (or even similar rewards) at every single GC.

    Im not talking about high rewards, but at least if it could show some consistency and be reachable until the 3rd chest. Usually i get it 3rd-4th chest
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    Jacgul wrote: »
    Max rewards are typically for gls, legendaries or a couple of specific teams. At level 80, when the game was a big easier, I was happy if I could get all the shards from a GC.

    Yeah but with this one i stop at chest #2. Only 20/30 shards. Fleet battles are WAY too difficult and not at all comparable with the usual tiers on these challenges
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    TBH I was just glad they made the opposing team more survivable for the offense up 20 times feat. I remember in the past the hardest part of that feat was not killing the opposing team and trying to stall to get your feats done.

    Yeah but with this one it is impossible to get offense up x20 on tiers 1-3 since they die too quickly. I dont have any low levels characters suitable for it. They opponent team is waaaay too squishy in tier 3.
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    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    Yeah GCs will fluctuate in difficulty wildly. Some you’ll be well positioned to do well. Some you’ll struggle. As you advance and grow your roster, you’ll be able to do better on a wider variety of challenges. Your main goal is just always to get at least 1 if not 2 omicron mats. Won’t always be possible at your current level, but as you progress it’s something to aim for.

    Yeah but that's what I mean. Usually im able to get to the 3rd or 4th chest. I have a few different teams that do quite well. But with fleet battles being ridiculously hard and not at all in proportion with the usual difficulty, its impossible to even get close to the 3rd chest. I can sometimes reach the omega chest but thats it. This one I barely get half the shards.

    They die too fast tier 1-3 and tier4 onwards is impossible
  • Notthatguyfrombefore
    1111 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    Ok, so first off, no you should not necessarily be consistently hitting the same boxes, and if this is where your roster is lacking then maybe box 2 is the right place for you. I’m not saying this GC doesn’t suck for you, but it needs to be viewed as an average over many weeks. This particular one is not OP, and over time your average box is likely to improve.

    It’s also worth mentioning that the non-fleety ones also have a point at which they massively increase in difficulty, the tier where they apply all the zetas. It may be a different point, but, again, this GC is nothing out of the ordinary.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
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    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    Yeah GCs will fluctuate in difficulty wildly. Some you’ll be well positioned to do well. Some you’ll struggle. As you advance and grow your roster, you’ll be able to do better on a wider variety of challenges. Your main goal is just always to get at least 1 if not 2 omicron mats. Won’t always be possible at your current level, but as you progress it’s something to aim for.

    Yeah but that's what I mean. Usually im able to get to the 3rd or 4th chest. I have a few different teams that do quite well. But with fleet battles being ridiculously hard and not at all in proportion with the usual difficulty, its impossible to even get close to the 3rd chest. I can sometimes reach the omega chest but thats it. This one I barely get half the shards.

    They die too fast tier 1-3 and tier4 onwards is impossible

    I get what you’re saying here. The way they structure the fleet ones with those super weak ground zone tiers is a bit wonky.

    That being said, just chalk it up to being a GC that your roster just isn’t built out to achieve. I mean I have an over 8M gp roster and there’s some GCs I still really struggle with reaching even the first omicron crate (especially the Hutt cartel / thermal ones). Just do your best, and make sure you work on building up the weak spots in your roster, in this case fleets. Honestly you’ll probably struggle on the fleet ones until you get a GL fleet like Profundity or Executor.

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    Also, if you’re not already familiar, look up BitDynasty over on YouTube. The guy puts out really nice guides for every GC that drops, focusing on non-GL comps and providing multiple squads whenever possible. Being level 80, even a lot of the stuff in his videos will still be out of reach for you for awhile, but it’s a really great resource you should be aware of. People also post alternate comps they use successfully in the comments to his videos, so even if you don’t have exactly what he uses, it may spark some ideas.
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