Geonosian Soldier



  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    IMO: Rey > FOTP > GS
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    GS is the Duke Nukem of this game. It's here to chew bubble gum and blow **** with a big fckn gun and he all out of gums...
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    All this talk of GS and no discussion of Rey? She does more damage by herself that the combined total of GS and assist while getting foresight. And with the new gear level available and being used by some she is faster than GS now....

    Well rey is a hard farm compare to that nobody character. At least Rey is a significant character in Starwars. Easy farm character must not be powerful. -Too much hate on GS-
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    Holysilver wrote: »
    All this talk of GS and no discussion of Rey? She does more damage by herself that the combined total of GS and assist while getting foresight. And with the new gear level available and being used by some she is faster than GS now....

    Well rey is a hard farm compare to that nobody character. At least Rey is a significant character in Starwars. Easy farm character must not be powerful. -Too much hate on GS-

    I kind of disagree. What about the players that want something now. Sure nerf him a little but those that take the time out to long farm Rey will still be rewarded with someone better. I am wondering if I should stop the GS farm. I have him at 4 stars right now. I started on him late because I got JC to 7* first. Maybe I'll just take him to 5* and see how bad he gets nerfed before continuing on and farm Kylo or Old Ben in the mean time.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    LOL nerf whiners gonna make this game in to a joke.
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    Holysilver wrote: »

    Well rey is a hard farm compare to that nobody character. Easy farm character must not be powerful.

    That's it. You can't have a bunch of easy farm OP characters or you get 90% QGJ + Dooku + GS teams like you have now
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    RU486 wrote: »
    LOL nerf whiners gonna make this game in to a joke.

    To some point or another. I do agree with you. Some things do need to be nerfed, but other's like GS, and Rey aren't all that bad. Rey is super hard to farm, and takes forever to get her to 7.
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    Holysilver wrote: »

    Well rey is a hard farm compare to that nobody character. Easy farm character must not be powerful.

    That's it. You can't have a bunch of easy farm OP characters or you get 90% QGJ + Dooku + GS teams like you have now

    There has to be a balance. If all the best characters were hard to obtain, then the game shifts completely in the favor of whales and fewer people would bother playing.

    Imagine if all the OP toons were chromium exclusives. A team like Aayla, leia, grand moff Tarkin, darth maul and Rex. Then people would complain, rightly so, that the game had become Pay to Win.

    This is why some of the good toons have to be easy to obtain, like Lumi and GS, to keep F2P players engaged in hopes they eventually spend money. It worked with me.
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    Holysilver wrote: »

    Well rey is a hard farm compare to that nobody character. Easy farm character must not be powerful.

    That's it. You can't have a bunch of easy farm OP characters or you get 90% QGJ + Dooku + GS teams like you have now

    There has to be a balance. If all the best characters were hard to obtain, then the game shifts completely in the favor of whales and fewer people would bother playing.

    Imagine if all the OP toons were chromium exclusives. A team like Aayla, leia, grand moff Tarkin, darth maul and Rex. Then people would complain, rightly so, that the game had become Pay to Win.

    This is why some of the good toons have to be easy to obtain, like Lumi and GS, to keep F2P players engaged in hopes they eventually spend money. It worked with me.

    The game got me that way too. I only started in late February and at first I thought I wouldn't spend any money a bundle and a crystal subscription later I am fully vested.
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    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    My GS is now officially maxed out as of tonight. One gear slot away from Gear X and I cannot do that until Level 79. His Power is 6301. Health is 12361 (+250) and Physical Damage is 1867 (+70). If you can keep the bug alive, all will be right with the world. :)

    Imagine when they release the new ability mats.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    Quit complaining... just because you lose to something doesn't mean you go cry about it. And in case you haven't noticed, this game is not canon, so the Geonosian Soldier can do whatever he or she wants. They could do whatever they want. Also GS isn't that good, there are much stronger toons
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    also GS won't get any better til around level 79, where he isn't even close to the fast compared to what the stats will look like with other toons reaching 80
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    I would love to see GS nerfed, while Ray remains untouched (she's the star of the new trilogy, and is currently being trained by Luke!); GS and his ilk are a dime-a-dozen in the cannon, and as such should have more Genosians in the game and rely on actually swarming opponents as they did to kill Jedi in Ep 2. Each individually should not be able to stand toe-to-toe with Vadar, Jedi, Grevious, ect.
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    You guys need to give GS a break. His entire species was wiped out by the Emperor as the Death Star neared completion, so as to keep it a secret. So let the bug have his fun.
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    I would love to see GS nerfed, while Ray remains untouched (she's the star of the new trilogy, and is currently being trained by Luke!); GS and his ilk are a dime-a-dozen in the cannon, and as such should have more Genosians in the game and rely on actually swarming opponents as they did to kill Jedi in Ep 2. Each individually should not be able to stand toe-to-toe with Vadar, Jedi, Grevious, ect.

    This may not be the game you are looking for.

    This is the same game where a generic Royal Guard is a more useful toon than the person he was guarding (Sidious).

    Which game are you playing?
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    GS < Dooku or QGJ. If you are gonna rail for a nerfing of GS, start with Dooku then QGJ first.
  • eshby_wan
    77 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    RU486 wrote: »
    LOL nerf whiners gonna make this game in to a joke.


    Forum is already a joke because of all the whiners

    He's a nice toon. In arena endgame he's just well-balanced. Nothing op there. He's usually not even the second character I go for.

    Once Rey gets started she usually nukes 3 toons on her own. GS rarely snipes one toon with his assist

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