Starkiller LS bundle

Please, make available again the Starkiller LS Bundle at the same price that before. As a matter of fact make the LS available every 3-6 months so new players can catch-up to older ones.


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    Yes, exactly.
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    Yes please, because the Rey and Kylo Packs are now available again but not the Starkiller pack. Could you please return it too?!
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    As a matter of fact. All original LS Bunble are out except the Starkiller one. They brought the Stakiller Legacy Bundle. 50 shards of All requirements and a bunch of resources for $40. Trash Pack. Even the BB8 Bundle is out if that make sense.
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    Thanks CG for bringing back the Starkiller LS Bundle
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    My starkiller bundle gave me the message that someone had already gifted me the bundle. I don't have it. Now the only option I have is to gift it to someone. Please help, I would buy it if someone fixes my bug. I don't want to keep farming the characters and waste my resources when I know it's available to buy.
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