Can you delay the launch of SEE's lsb by two months?

5 posts Member
edited December 2023
I have only played this account for 110 days.I built the SEE team from the beginning,Can you launch it in two months?I want to play a little longer.I don't want to see my hard work for more than three months, and others spend 10 dollars to catch up with me.
Post edited by crzydroid on


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    If I had known this day would come, I would have built the Leia team from the beginning.
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    As long as it is delayed for two months, you can launch the JKL pack next month for 50 dollars.
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    My next target is Doctor Aphra, and I guess you won't launch her lsb in the short term.In order not to waste my efforts, I can only predict your prediction.
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    Or you can learn from Japanese mobile games. They can regenerate a character and return all the resources at some cost.
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    They can't delay something that's not real yet.
    and honestly, just because of this, I hope a SEE one appears in datamines when Bane is added
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    flux_rono wrote: »
    They can't delay something that's not real yet.
    and honestly, just because of this, I hope a SEE one appears in datamines when Bane is added

    It's not true. That would be great.
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    I’m not really seeing the issue.

    A whole bunch of people spent time farming SLKR only for a LSB to be released that brought those characters up to relic.

    You can just buy a SLKR LSB since you’ve invested in farming for SEE. You’ll be on par with those players. All’s well, no?
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    Everybody should be prepared for each GL to eventually have a LSB, order from oldest to newest. For the newest, Leia, it will definitely be years before that LSB. Plan that into what you are working on if you plan to buy all the bundles. Work on the newest stuff first and then work your way back into progressively older content. This will optimize what you get out of the LSB.

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    Bobishere wrote: »

    How do you have executor without a 7 star Razor Crest or IG-2000? Is there something I'm missing?
    Once a Jedi, always a Jedi. Wait... never mind.
  • crzydroid
    7419 posts Moderator
    Bobishere wrote: »

    How do you have executor without a 7 star Razor Crest or IG-2000? Is there something I'm missing?

    You can buy the packs once you meet the prereqs.
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    Ohhhhh got it. Didn't know that.
    Once a Jedi, always a Jedi. Wait... never mind.
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