Impulsive purchase refund?

i just bought a 11.99Euros Jawa Pack without realizing it was a gambling one as to the rewards offered (100 kyros, zetas, omicrons or cantina energy)
It's my fault fot not paying attention but i would not have purchased it otherwise.
Is there a way to cancel it ?


  • Options
    You have to reach the in game EA Help to appeal your issue.

    But do expect it to be fruitless since my issue with Lightspeed bundle gift bug is still unresolved and get toss around the EA Help department like a disgusting litter.

    It's in their practice to use sweet deals like this just to screw you with their lettering and phrasing with the detail pf their merchandise.

    The most you would get out of this issue is a pricey lesson not to trust this game and their support.
  • Beberinho
    1 posts Member
    edited March 19
    Well thanks for your answer.
    Not gonna lie it was to have a rather recent intake on the matter,since i was already convinced i could kiss my money goodbye.
    I'll stick to buyin crystals once in a while.
    Have a good day!!
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