Old daka 99.99999 percent revive rate

during a galactic war battle i just played, i was against an team with old daka and geonosian soldier. The first time i played the battle, i killed geonosian soldier,and then he got revived. So i retreated and switched the order or my charact rs. Since ive had old daka, and have retreated before when her revive rate doesnt work for me, i know that this changes the outcome of her revive rate, because i can retreat and then when one of my players gets killed they get revived. However when i retreated against the enemy old daka and switched the order of my players, and switched what players i was using, the enemy old daka would continue to revive geonosian soldier. It took me 10 times to get to a point where he was not instantly revived. Since her chance of revive from her unique ability is 10 percent. That means that there is a (.10)^9 chance that this will happen. Which i believe is nearly impossible. This made it incredibly hard to beat galactic war.


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    Welcome to the forum!

    My advice, never step foot in Vegas! :)
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Pro tip: Kill the Dakster first
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    Yeah i tried that but i was trying to take out geonosian soldier too before he could move, he would basically kill any of my characters with his double attack, or get them down to almost zero health. Only for an aoe to finish them off immediately after
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    Welcome to the forum!

    My advice, never step foot in Vegas! :)

    Yeah haha i dont plan on going. I have one friend who does gamble at a local casino and supposedly hes actually making money, cuz he is very good at poker and counting cards etc.So i mean sometimes you can use the odds in your favor. But you cant use odds at all if they are completely falsely advertised...
  • Finity
    309 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You could use a squad of low level characters to draw out the ally assist attack from gs and let them die. When you start with the main squad, you have bought yourself an extra round before geo double attacks because it will be on cooldown. sacrifice squads are useful.
    Love SWGOH and want to keep it great! YouTube: Reality Skewed Gamers
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    I just took her to gear9. I hope i make a lot of people annoyed with rng.
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    I just took her to gear9. I hope i make a lot of people annoyed with rng.

    How the heck did you get daka to gear lvl 9??? I have her gear maxed out and it says she needs one piece of gear that requires the mk 9 neuro saav electrobinoculars salvage. When i click find, there is no place for it, leading me to believe they havent added it in to the game yet..but if you can tell me where to find it i would be most appreciative
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    Finity wrote: »
    You could use a squad of low level characters to draw out the ally assist attack from gs and let them die. When you start with the main squad, you have bought yourself an extra round before geo double attacks because it will be on cooldown. sacrifice squads are useful.
    Yeah i probably should have done that!
  • Baf
    41 posts Member
    LaLiam wrote: »
    I just took her to gear9. I hope i make a lot of people annoyed with rng.

    How the heck did you get daka to gear lvl 9??? I have her gear maxed out and it says she needs one piece of gear that requires the mk 9 neuro saav electrobinoculars salvage. When i click find, there is no place for it, leading me to believe they havent added it in to the game yet..but if you can tell me where to find it i would be most appreciative

    Yeah its bc he made the gear before the level cap increase update... back when it cost the same pieces. But didn't require those items that you can't find anywhere... (ik bc k did it also with a few pieces of gear bc I had nothing left to farm really)... so.. if he crafted the gear and let it sit there locked.. the moment he hits the level at which it unlocks he can equip it... if he tried to craft it now.. he couldn't bc he now needs pieces that are unattainable
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    Wow. I shud have geared her up beforehand. Thats insane
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