Week 3 Prompt for Crystal and Shard Giveaway


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    Abo - to see the star forge

    Ally Code 889 488 945
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    Naboo, to see the great plains and big heads.

    Ally code: 676-756-552
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    Dathomir - To meet the sisters of the night, maybe a date with Talia ;)

    Ally code 284849394
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    Naboo, both for the stunning scenery but also the underwater cities.

    Ally code: 954-821-677
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    Yavin IV
    I'm going to find my guild mates there - I've never saw them irl)
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    Kashyyyk, I just love the trees and the wookiees.

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    I cant think of all the correct planet names, but the main one I can is Hoth, because it's nice and cold there.

    I enjoy the cold a lot

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    Tatooine to chill at Jabbas palace
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    Coruscaunt because I don’t like sand

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    Mortis, for a little drink and a bath…

    Ally Code: 362-215-871
  • GWPO
    2 posts Member
    Tattooine, so I can dig up Luke’s parents bones

    Ally code: 438-726-644
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    Rishi from the SWTOR game, for a lovely tropical vacation (as long as you ignore the pirates)

    Ally Code: 884-523-618
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    Naboo for the beauty and cultures. And closest to Florida in climate I would guess.
    Ally Code: 497-535-475
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    Tatooine i hear it's beautiful in the summer.

    Ally code: 647-448-716
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    Holotable Heroes!

    Your prompt of the week is…

    Which Star Wars planet would you want to visit and why?

    This thread will be closed on Thursday, so get your answers (with your ally code included!) in before then!

    For Terms and Conditions, refer to this post here.

    For Apple device players: The SWGoH x Apple partnership is live for a limited time! For details check here

    NOTE: This is the thread you post your response to the prompt, any threads created outside of this prompt will be deleted and your entry void.

    NOTHER NOTE: Only 1 Entry per person per the T&C
    Holotable Heroes!

    Your prompt of the week is…

    Which Star Wars planet would you want to visit and why?

    This thread will be closed on Thursday, so get your answers (with your ally code included!) in before then!

    For Terms and Conditions, refer to this post here.

    For Apple device players: The SWGoH x Apple partnership is live for a limited time! For details check here

    NOTE: This is the thread you post your response to the prompt, any threads created outside of this prompt will be deleted and your entry void.

    NOTHER NOTE: Only 1 Entry per person per the T&C

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    Mandalore this is the way
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    I would like to go to Coruscant. I am curious to see a city that covered an entire planet.
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    See the boys in action

    Ally Code:225-536-362
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    Tattoine, so I could build the biggest sand castle ever! XD

    ally code: 637945124
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    Nirauan. To see if Luke and Mara actually killed Thrawn's clone.

    Ally code: 755-352-732
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    Felucia, all of the flora is amazing and I’d get to see a Rancor in its natural habitat! Seems very peaceful.
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    Csilla, home of the Chiss. Love their engineering.

  • Styv
    7 posts Member
    Korribann to explore the Sith academy

  • Franke
    139 posts Member
    Lots of jungle to explore, cool fauna, seems really exciting.

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    Lothal, and run with the Lothcats.

    Ally code: 992-498-686
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    I would want to visit enfor to see all the ewoks
    Ally code: 846-615-146
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    Rentor, to see the home and society Thrawn hailed from

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    Ilum to find myself a Kyber crystal.
    Ally code: 414-494-138
  • Iandog
    95 posts Member
    Ilum, so I can get all the Kyber crystals and Hondo and I can be rich.

    Ally Code: 914-615-477
  • CrazyFrog2022
    6 posts Member
    edited April 30
    Mandalore. Because qvs3gf51haay.jpeg

    Ally code: 536-223-795
This discussion has been closed.