Man, I went hard on those LSBs!

21 posts Member
edited May 6
I bought them all! Been playing off and on since 2016 and have never "soft-whaled" like this before. Considering the average value of the game - I knew these deals were too good to pass up. I still don't regret it, and have had a good time building and working on my updated roster. Did you all go hard too? Or did you decide to pass?

I almost passed on the Skywalker bundle, as I had all but 1 ship (ETA-2) - but I was SICK of farming ETA-2 and am happy it is done.


  • Options
    This stuff doesn't help us that have been around for some time, only newer players. Just like daily log in shards lol
  • Options
    This stuff doesn't help us that have been around for some time, only newer players. Just like daily log in shards lol

    I agree, and only needed the boost cause I had quit for 4 years. Already have C3P0 but my Ewoks weren't Relic'd; same with Nightsisters. Only needed ETA2 for Skywalker but those relic'd characters definitely helped. Already have Padme but once again, couldn't pass up on the relic'd characters. I definitely regret quitting for 4 years - I lost so much progress.
  • Abe_Fr0man
    172 posts Member
    The NS and Ewok packs are a little tempting, nothing like a quick fix to get them relic’d. I probably won’t but I’m still considering it. I went hard on the last round- Rey, slkr, and Raddus packs were purchased and I only had buyers remorse a tiny bit :smile:
  • Fenn93
    32 posts Member
    This stuff doesn't help us that have been around for some time, only newer players. Just like daily log in shards lol

    If you’ve been around for so long you should have 95% of the roster relic’s?

  • mariogsh
    813 posts Member
    This stuff doesn't help us that have been around for some time, only newer players. Just like daily log in shards lol

    Been playing since November 2018
    I bought the NS and Ewoks one lol
  • rickertron
    349 posts Member
    This stuff doesn't help us that have been around for some time, only newer players. Just like daily log in shards lol

    Been playing since 2018ish. got the Genosians and Nightsisters to get them to Relic from G12. They had been sitting neglected for eons and were going to sit at g12 if these packs didn't come along. left the Ewoks at a mix of g11/g12 and would have grabbed the Padme or Anakin bundles to Relic up my sep droids plus nute but the cost was too great to complete 2 sep droids and Nute.
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