Still haven't gotten missed TB rewards.

2 posts Member
edited May 9
So, I still haven't gotten those missed territory battle rewards. I've messaged EA in the help box thing in game, but all of those people that I've messaged multiple times are thoroughly unhelpful and just refer me back to the original post that said territory battles are cancelled and rewards will be sent out on a later date. Has anyone else had this problem? And if not, does anyone else have any ideas of who else I can reach out to?


  • LendersQuiz
    1187 posts Member
    TMac_Anik wrote: »
    So, I still haven't gotten those missed territory battle rewards. I've messaged EA in the help box thing in game, but all of those people that I've messaged multiple times are thoroughly unhelpful and just refer me back to the original post that said territory battles are cancelled and rewards will be sent out on a later date. Has anyone else had this problem? And if not, does anyone else have any ideas of who else I can reach out to?
    Have you tried posting there?
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