TW matchmaking difference

24 posts Member
I dont understand how this is even possible to get score something like this..
I know that my guild is not competitive in tw and we win only here and there but when we win something, it is sure that game throw us against some very tw-focused guild like this..
I always thought that new matchmaking gives you more challenging opponent when you win and opposite.
That is clearly not case in this matchmaking what i see.
You cant have 25 straight wins if matchmaking works correctly.. or maybe there are one criteria is spending money to get easier opponents?
Our last few month tw score something like 4win/9loss so why we are facing 25wins/0losses guild?


  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    Well, both of guilds in which I played for a long time had win streaks like this (not sure about 25 but sure about 20), and both weren't "tw-focused" by any means, so it's definitely possible even with semi-casual playstyle. And, afaik, the theory about giving more challenging opponents after long win streak is just speculation (if developers ever supported this claim I'd like to see the link).
  • Banditgt
    13 posts Member
    The guild were matched up against has won 60 straight
  • nottenst
    726 posts Member
    edited May 24
    Banditgt wrote: »
    The guild were matched up against has won 60 straight

    If match-making worked like I think it should work, that would be just about impossible.
    Guilds that are undefeated over a certain number of months should face other. Give them a challenge.

    When are they going to change the formula?
  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    > Guilds that are undefeated over a certain number of months should face other. Give them a challenge.

    Essentially you are asking to punish guilds because they play well. Bad idea.
  • herd_nerfer
    2103 posts Member
    Hortus wrote: »
    > Guilds that are undefeated over a certain number of months should face other. Give them a challenge.

    Essentially you are asking to punish guilds because they play well. Bad idea.

    Getting a competitive match every once in a while isn't punishment - games are supposed to be competitive.

    Clearly they've had no problem for 25 TWs in a row. Either they're intentionally sandbagging or they're highly TW focused - both of which are in bounds - I won't turn this into a sand-bagging argument - but this guild is clearly not being challenged and they're walking over everyone they meet, which I'm sure is lots of fun for their opponents. So why are they never faced with a guild that plays on the same level they do?

    In GAC, the better you play the harder your matches get - and rightly so - so why is that not the standard here?

    I'm the last person to whine about match making - TW is my least favorite game mode so I care less about this than most - but there's clearly something going on here that's allowing this to happen. If it's by design, then there's clearly a flaw in the design.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    edited May 27
    Hortus wrote: »
    > Guilds that are undefeated over a certain number of months should face other. Give them a challenge.

    Essentially you are asking to punish guilds because they play well. Bad idea.

    Getting a competitive match every once in a while isn't punishment - games are supposed to be competitive.

    Will that guilds get more rewards for tougher matches? No? Then it's punishment for being good, not competition.
    Post edited by Hortus on
  • Options
    It's really comes down to truly awesome tw officers and simply the expectation of everyone that joins to participate both on offense and defense.
  • Puuzaa
    24 posts Member
    Hortus wrote: »
    > Guilds that are undefeated over a certain number of months should face other. Give them a challenge.

    Essentially you are asking to punish guilds because they play well. Bad idea.

    I can't be silent for this comment..
    How you can play well against guild which has way more firepower?
    We have set really tough defenses and opponents go still through like nothing even
    they have stronger defenses..
    I'm 100% sure you dont have faced this big difference between firepowers if you can only tell "play better or something"!!
    Matchmaking cant be right if some guilds constantly gets good opportunity to win against weaker guild and some guilds are throwing under bus every second match when they win some.
    Ofc i understand if you can manipulate matchmaking to your favor, it is more rewards to you then.
    If it is ok to CG, why it doesn't be ok for you too..
  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    If you really think that matchmaking favors strong guilds against weak then you have the clear solution. Make your own guild strong and matchmaking will favor YOU. :)
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