HotUtils - Allowed or not allowed?

Hey there, I'm currently looking at trying HotUtils, but I want to ensure I will not be banned. Also, is it safe to link EA to HotUtils?


  • Sgarr
    7 posts Member
    A lot of people use it and have no issues. There is a warning that states it violates TOS, so if CG ever decides they could ban everyone using it. But then they will be banning a lot of their top spenders.
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    CG will never answer this outside of pointing to TOS.
    I have been doing similar things as hot utils with my bot for 5 (I think it is 5) years now with no issues.
  • Options
    As above, there's no way to ensure you won't be banned, but...

    ... Hot Utils is so commonly utilized by top players that they would devastate their player base and ultimately sabotage their income if they decided to ban HU users. 7 years ago it was reasonable to worry. The game hadn't been around that long and so there simply wasn't the precedent set of ignoring HU use.

    They kind of have to have a clause like this in their TOS to prevent cheating, but it's incredibly unlikely that after this many years they start booting people for using HU.

    So let's put it this way:

    Is it possible for CG to ban people for using HU? Yes.

    Should you worry about that? No.

    Why? Because if they start banning players for HU use, the game will lose so many people so quickly it will destroy guilds for dedicated players who don't use HU, and thus generally make the game so unpopular and the player base so mad that no one will want to play anymore and the game really will die.

    They're smart folks. They know this. Even if HU implements new features that draw the wrath of CG, I would expect both of 2 things to happen:
    1) CG would give a warning about not using HU after X date,
    2) HU would walk back those new features and apologize. After all, the people responsible for HU like the game and they don't want to mess it up any more than any of us do.

    So... keep your nose clean, don't cheat, but make your decision about use of HU on some other basis than what CG thinks. They've had 8 years to tell us that they don't like HU and they've never made a peep.
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