Conquest guessing game time again

5216 posts Member
Who or what you got?

I dont have any idea the directions CG is going so I will just say Snoke.
We needed Cobb Vanth shards for Krayt Dragon raid, Endor Gear Luke shards for Speeder Bike raid and Anakin Skywalker shards for Battle for Naboo raid?


  • Ultra
    11605 posts Moderator
    i hope it’s a GL lifter
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    I’m calling an OR/Mando ship to support an OR/Mando cap ship as a Levi counterpart or a GR ship to support the Resolute (yes ik a third GR cap ship is unlikely).
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My -
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    Ultra wrote: »
    i hope it’s a GL lifter

    I hope your kidding.

    After playing GAC this time around, sooo many GLs on Defense in 3v3, sooo many L9 DCs.

    Do I ever get why 3v3 & DataCrons get so much hate.


    Personally I'm hoping for either an OR-Jedi to Lift Revan team.


    A Starfighter for Rebels, Empire, or GR, you know, the factions w/ 2 Cap Ships & like 9 fighters each.
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    I personally would want a DS Clone Shock Trooper to go with Lord Vader, like the ones that found him on Mustafar
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    Dark side separatist ship, Dooku or Ventress maybe, for the upcoming Trench capital ship.
  • herd_nerfer
    2128 posts Member
    A rebel ship to boost Home One.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • EdSolo
    425 posts Member
    If the pattern holds, we are due for a ship. Out of every three conquests, it has been two toons and one ship.
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    I'm guessing Crosshair
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    Ultra wrote: »
    i hope it’s a GL lifter

    Or a GL lifter like Bane who is a GL in his own right. A shame for SEE, but what a character. CG outdid themselves with that one.
  • DarthA
    44 posts Member
    Dark side separatist ship, Dooku or Ventress maybe, for the upcoming Trench capital ship.

    Separatists have like 5 ships I don't think they are adding a trench capital ship anytime soon.
  • Presaria
    209 posts Member
    Ship that goes with the new Capital Ship.
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    Maybe a new maul
  • flux_rono
    2146 posts Member
    i want Proxy. i think the ability to turn into anyone could be pretty powerful and worthy of conquest power level. (he did turn into master Kenobi in the game thus technically he should be allowed to turn into any GL in game [weaker version though] but still making his power level that much higher)
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    Crosshair or Morgan Elsbeth are my picks
  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    Tales of the Empire isn't a bad place to look for possible new toons, though the timing of Acolyte starting less than a week before the new Conquest makes that a possibility.

    I still want an Evil Barriss with abilities that are an inverted version of her usual kit, but she's not worth a Conquest toon. So I'll just wait and see what we get. If it is a ship, though, I'm hoping for the Ginnivex FanBlade.
  • Mohrg
    207 posts Member
    Morgan Elsbeth?
    Just got her background fleshed out, NS got a LS bundle, NS are the June freebie crates.
    there have been a few NS things popping up, I hope we get the 3 great mothers from Ahsokha and some zombie troopers.
  • Steve93
    11 posts Member
    @Schwartzring Satele Shan could be a cool add for OR Jedi and kind of a balance to Darth Malgus from that perspective.
  • Cheesio
    16 posts Member
    edited May 29
    EdSolo wrote: »
    If the pattern holds, we are due for a ship. Out of every three conquests, it has been two toons and one ship.

    I think a QA ship… the silver one from ep1
    And like a 3po or HODa unit it retreats if no other units left

    On this I’d like a new BH ship to give executor 1 more so can have a 6 ship BH team, maybe Jangos Slave 1
  • Dianora
    129 posts Member
    Clone Trooper ship. That'll make five for a fleet led by GAS with the Resolute. Or CAT's V-19... that'd fit thematically I think?

    Holes in this theory: We already have two Venator-class capital ships. Won't leave any ships for Endurance. GAS is already needed at R8 for LV and--of the six clone troopers in-game who don't have ships--only Omega isn't required for a GL already; also even though CT-Rex and Fives aren't GL required, most(?) players have them relic'd for GAS/CPit.

    Point in favor: There's no fleet support for anything else in the game right now. There's one OR ship and only five Sep ships... maybe we could be getting two new OR ships and then be expected to run Geos + two new with Invincible and Hyena, Vulture, and IG2000 with no reinforcements but that seems sketchy (droid Trifighter, please).
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    Dianora wrote: »
    Clone Trooper ship. That'll make five for a fleet led by GAS with the Resolute. Or CAT's V-19... that'd fit thematically I think?

    Holes in this theory: We already have two Venator-class capital ships. Won't leave any ships for Endurance. GAS is already needed at R8 for LV and--of the six clone troopers in-game who don't have ships--only Omega isn't required for a GL already; also even though CT-Rex and Fives aren't GL required, most(?) players have them relic'd for GAS/CPit.

    I'm glad you followed up with the holes, because all I'm thinking is.... WHAT was the point of Marauder having all the Clone & Endurance Synergy if you turn around & strip the clones from Endurance?? LOL

    I've been saying this for quite some time now, but, I don't want another Cap Ship or a new Faction.
    This game needs more Starfighters for the existing fleets.

    To name a few Ships to fill out Cap Fleets.......

    Arc-170 (ARC Trooper)
    Nu Class Shuttle (Cody)

    Home One:
    Red-5 (Farmboy)
    B-Wing (Crewless)

    TIE Heavy (Crewless)

    TIE Advanced v1 (7th Sister or 5th Brother)

    Resistance A-Wing (Crewless)

    Droid Tri-Fighter (Crewless)

    ETA-2 JSF (Aayla)
    Delta JSF (GM-Yoda)

    Punishing One? (Dengar)

    Rebel A-Wing (Crewless)

    There's plenty more options obviously but these are a solid start from canon.
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    Something buggy that gets a datacron for a while to make it crazy OP.
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    We're due a ship, but I hope the next character is Gonk Droid.
  • Digitizoid
    24 posts Member
    edited May 30
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Who or what you got?

    I dont have any idea the directions CG is going so I will just say Snoke.

    I'm thinking Vitiate (Tenebrae) (Valkorion) would be a cool one to add that would go well with Starkiller and he could even have an insane Omni that would let him run solo in GAC or TW/TB. Kinda like another Wampa.
  • LendersQuiz
    1191 posts Member
    The next Conquest toon will be...
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    DarthA wrote: »
    Separatists have like 5 ships I don't think they are adding a trench capital ship anytime soon.

    To me, the limited amount of Separatist ships makes it more likely rather than less likely that we'll get a Trench or other Separatist capital ship sooner rather than later. If it's advertised as being the new meta fleet that executes profoundly, and it needs new ships that won't be introduced until shortly before its own release, like with Leviathan, then more people might spend money to be able to unlock it from the start.

    Also, a Trench capital ship could just take Malevolence's ships. We already either field a Chimera or Executrix fleet but not both, because there aren't enough ships to go around for using both to make sense.
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    Abellan wrote: »
    Also, a Trench capital ship could just take Malevolence's ships. We already either field a Chimera or Executrix fleet but not both, because there aren't enough ships to go around for using both to make sense.

    1. Horrible idea. We don't need another Cap Ship w/o Starfighters.

    2. Technically not true, the whole point of the Scythe, Kyle Katarn, & Marauder ships has each been to allow a 4-ship fleet to be run w/ the Original Trio of Cap Ships.

    3. For the record I totally hate those 4 ship ideas & won't be happy w/ fleet till we see 6-7 ships for EVERY capital ship. We have 56 for 11 right now & I want at least 10 more minimum w/ some room still to grow into 77 total.

    4. Which is not to say that you can't "steal" ships for the short term when a new Cap ship arrives. But the existing fleet should be bursting at the seems, like 8/Cap Ship at the time & then pop in a few new ones w/ 1 new cap ship to be like 11+ / 2 Cap Ships & fill back up to 13-14 over the next year.
  • Abellan
    6 posts Member
    edited May 31
    Abellan wrote: »
    Also, a Trench capital ship could just take Malevolence's ships. We already either field a Chimera or Executrix fleet but not both, because there aren't enough ships to go around for using both to make sense.

    1. Horrible idea. We don't need another Cap Ship w/o Starfighters.

    2. Technically not true, the whole point of the Scythe, Kyle Katarn, & Marauder ships has each been to allow a 4-ship fleet to be run w/ the Original Trio of Cap Ships.

    It's not an idea. It's why it doesn't matter to a Trench capital ship that there aren't already a lot of Separatist ships in the game.

    And you need 6 fleets for GAC in Kyber. Two of those 6 or more if you need cleanup crews can "technically" be both Chimera and Executrix. But that doesn't make sense, which, since you didn't notice, is what I said. What would anyone send that Executrix leftovers fleet up against, anyway? Lando's Millennium Falcon after Raddus blew itself up and then 2 actually-good fleets failed to take out all the stragglers? If Executrix can't do it, is Endurance up next?
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