Weakest ally

34 posts Member
edited May 28

I have modded and geared my toons so the weakest ally in my CLS squad will be CLS himself.

According to my calculations, after Chewpio gets his 40% statbonus from CLS,
he should have 29 978 health and 42 723 protection. Surpassing CLS with quite a margin. Yet the game determines Chewpio as the weakest ally. How is this possible? What am I missing?
Post edited by crzydroid on


  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    Chewpio also gives half of that bonus to other rebels in the squad, which includes CLS himself.
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    Hortus wrote: »
    Chewpio also gives half of that bonus to other rebels in the squad, which includes CLS himself.

    So CLS gets 20% of his own stats as bonus?
  • crzydroid
    7392 posts Moderator
    Hortus wrote: »
    Chewpio also gives half of that bonus to other rebels in the squad, which includes CLS himself.

    So CLS gets 20% of his own stats as bonus?

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    Thanks for the answers
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    it can also depend on what order your team is placed. if you mod your characters right, you can theoretically change who gets guard simply by changing which wookiee comes first in your team order. if you have chewie in your team before chewpio, he will give guard before the stat increases. if chewpio is before chewie, the stat increases will occur before guard is given out. may want to play around with that as well if youre still having trouble.
  • Options
    Yeah I have tried all of it. Ended with me having to spend a huge amount just to barely nudge chewpio ahead of luke. Thanks for the tip
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