Shin Hati
Tags: Unaligned Force User, Empire
Basic Ability: Forceful push
Final Text:
Special 1: Pursuit (Cooldown: 3)
Final Text: All allies gain the following based on their role:
TANK: Taunt for 2 turns, gain defence up and protection over time
SUPPORT: Gain 20% turn meter and reduce cool-downs by one
ATTACK: Grant stealth, Critical damage up, defence penetration up and retribution for 2 turns
NIGHT TROOPER: All night troopers assist, there attacks can’t be evaded or resisted or counter attacked.
MARROK: Gains 10% offence and 3% mastery for each buff on him, grant one stack of Mercenary
BALAN: Gain three stacks of momentum and a stack of mercenary
Special 2: Master’s Orders (Cooldown: 4)
Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy, If target enemy was Rebel or a Jedi stun them and remove 100% percent turn meter which can’t be evaded or resisted.
Allies with Mercenary gain Stealth and Critical Chance Up for 2 turns.
Gain a stack of mercenary
Unique 1: Hati's Relentless Focus (Zeta)
Final Text: Shin Hati gains +30% Critical Damage and +30% Defense Penetration. When Shin Hati uses an ability, she has a 50% chance to grant a random ally a stack of Mercenary for 2 turns:
When Baylan Skoll is present, he assists whenever Hati uses a special ability, whenever Balan Skoll gains a buff Hati gains 10% turn meter and offence stacking.
If Marrok or Balan Skoll are in the battle her buffs can’t be dispelled.
Unique 2: Synchronized Attack (Zeta)
Final Text: Shin Hati, Baylan Skoll, and Marrok gain +20% Accuracy and +20% Evasion. Whenever Shin Hati or Baylan Skoll uses a Special ability, the other gains 10% Turn Meter. If Marrok is present, he gains 5% Turn Meter and Offense Up for 1 turn.
Whenever Balan, Marrok or Shin evades an attack, they gain a stack of Momentum for 2 turns. Momentum increases defence by 20% for two turns, and reduces the cooldown of her abilities by 1 turn. Lose all stacks when an enemy damages an ally.

Baylan Skoll
Tags: Unaligned Force User, Empire
Basic Ability: What is necessary
Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy and ignore Defense. inflict a stack of mistake for two turns.
If the target is debuffed, attack again.
Gain one stack of We are no Jedi
Special 1: Heavy Strikes (Cooldown: 3)
Final Text: Deal Physical damage to target enemy three times and inflict 3 stacks of Mistake for 2 turns.
For each instance of damage dealt there is a 50% chance to inflict: Blind, daze, evasion down, accuracy down, critical damage down, offence down, mastery down, speed down and expose
Gain 1 stacks of We are no Jedi
Special 2: Unyielding Power (Cooldown: 4)
Final Text: Inflict ability block on all enemies and prevent enemy galactic legend from gaining ultimate charge and use their ultimate ability for 2 turns.
Shina shati and Marrok gain foresight, stealth, speed up and shield.
Gain two stacks of We are no Jedi
Unique 1: Unrelenting Force (Zeta)
Final Text: Baylan Skoll gains +30% Offence and +50% protection and health recovery. Whenever Baylan Skoll is critically hit, he gains 10% Offence and 10% Critical Damage (stacking) until the end of the encounter. If Shin Hati or Marrok are present, they also gain these effects.
We are no Jedi: Each stack grants 2% potency, 2% critical chance and 2 speed. Max 20 stacks. At 20 stacks dispel all buffs and gain Mercenary
MERCENARY: Ignore taunt, gain 50% potency, 50% critical chance, 50 speed and are immune to stun and turn meter manipulation.
Unique 2: Master and Apprentice (Zeta)
Final Text: Baylan Skoll gains +50% Defence Penetration, 100% if shin hati is present. When Shin Hati is present, she assists whenever Baylan Skoll uses a Special ability, dealing 50% more damage. If Marrok is present, he gains Stealth for 2 turns and the next time he uses an ability he will inflict torture on the weakest enemy.
Whenever Baylan Skoll is present with Shin Hati and Marrok, they gain a stack We are no Jedi whenever they deal damage to an enemy.
MISTAKE: for each stack-Decrease accuracy by 2%, -2 speed, reduce turn meter gain from abilities and uniques by 3% and decrease critical chance by 3%.

Tags: Unaligned Force User, Empire
Basic Ability: As you wish
Call target ally to assist, target ally gains bleed for one turn, if it was shati or Balan grant them 20% turn meter and their attack will ignore protection.

Special 1: Spinning Death (Cooldown: 5)
Final Text: Deal Physical damage to all enemies three times, and bleed, 3 stacks of damage over time and Defense Down for 2 turns. This attack deals 50% more damage if Marrok is below 50% Health.
If Shati or Balan Skoll were in the encounter this attack does double damage

Special 2: Twin Blades (Cooldown: 4)
Final Text: Deal Physical damage to target enemy five times, for each non-critical hit he inflicts a stack of Bleed for 2 turns.
Bleed: Inflicts 5% Max Health and Max protection as True damage at the start of the enemies turn
Marrok gains one stack of mercenary for each critical hit and a stack of damage over time

Unique 1: Inquisitor’s Legacy (Zeta)
Final Text: Marrok gains. When Marrok is defeated, all allies gain Stealth and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. If Shin Hati is present, they gain 20% of marroks stats and her cool-downs are permanently reduced by one for the rest of the encounter.
Whenever Marrok loses health and while having protection he will randomly attack an enemy as if he was using twin blades.
Whenever an allied unaligned force user loses health while they have protection they will attack a random enemy dealing 80% less damage. This effect is 40% less damage for Balan Skoll and Shin Shati.
Unique 2: Mercenary’s End (Zeta)
Final Text: When Marrok attacks an enemy with Mistake, or Bleed, he has a 50% chance to inflict Stun, blind and pinned for 1 turn.
Whenever Marrok inflicts bleed, balan and Shati gain 10% Offense and 10% Critical Damage for 2 turns.
Whenever an enemy gains bleed grant Shati and Balan Mercenary for 1 turn.
MERCENARY: Attack an additional time and deal an extra instance of damage
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