GC Enemies that won't die!

21 posts Member
edited June 20
I understand that some characters have kits that provide survivability. However, I find it quite frustrating to have to quit a match when I get the team down to the last character - 5v1 and dropping hammers on the last guy. I have run into multiple characters so far that won't give up the ghost. Is there a way to circumvent this? I understand that I can read the kit to get answers, but all the reading in the world won't help some teams - like my CLS and OG Dark Revan. Just feels like a Shady way to lock out players who don't have certain teams or loads of highly geared options.
Post edited by crzydroid on


  • CaesarAM
    253 posts Member
    I assume by GC you mean Conquest? Check your disks. Teams with lots of debuffs often can’t kill certain enemies, and it can be exacerbated by disks that give out even more debuffs. Like KRU or Phoenix. Unfortunately, yes, you do need to read some kits.
  • crzydroid
    7400 posts Moderator
    The Sith modifier in Conquest gives them boosts whenever the others die. In addition to other team options, you can check your discs or change your tactics.
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