Duel of the fates assault battle

The post says it lasts 7 days. Does it refresh every day? And is this a one time event or repeating monthly?


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    Is it a monthly event?
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    All the other assault battles are
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    All the other assault battles are

    None of the others last for 7 days. If it was monthly that would mean this event is running 1/4 of the time. I doubt that. They may have called it an assault battle, but the 7 day part means it is not following 1 normal assault battle thing, who knows if it will follow any other?

    I would also like to know about it refreshing daily or not. That makes a big difference in how hard to push these two characters up.
  • mariogsh
    809 posts Member
    All the other assault battles are

    None of the others last for 7 days. If it was monthly that would mean this event is running 1/4 of the time. I doubt that. They may have called it an assault battle, but the 7 day part means it is not following 1 normal assault battle thing, who knows if it will follow any other?

    I would also like to know about it refreshing daily or not. That makes a big difference in how hard to push these two characters up.

    Yup, so they did answer one question and left other 2 unanswered lol

    Will it ever come back? Or is it a one time only event?
    Does the event refresh daily or, again, one time only event?
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    If you tap the information icon, it talks about refreshing the individual tiers. I’m guessing that you can only complete each tier once unless you refresh it again with crystals. Based on that, it won’t refresh daily.
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    One of the things I'm curious about is whether the event ONLY uses MQG/POW or if it requires MQG/POW and allows you to fill in 3 other toons (perhaps GR-restricted or something?)

    As for the refreshes, I don't think that definitively answers the question about daily or weekly refresh.

    Strategy thoughts:
    Only the first refresh of the 1st tier is worth it from a crystals/shard perspective. You would get 21 shards * 7 days = 147 shards total from tier 1, split randomly between POW and MQG.

    Tier 2 rewards 10-15 shards randomly, but at 10 shards it's a cost of 100 crystals/shard -- so purchasing the shards in shipments is more efficient, while at 15 shards the cost is 67 crystals/shard, making a refresh more crystal-efficient.

    It's not possible to work out whether t2 refresh is "worth it" from a shard-farming perspective without data on the distribution of drops. If you assume (a bad idea, but run with it for a moment) that each possible outcome is equally likely, then you will average 12.5 shards/refresh with 999 crystals/refresh so 80 crystals/shard -- the same as purchasing the shards from shipments, but you also get some credits that you probably don't need. (You can always use them by splurging on a marginal mod in the mod store, but you probably don't need it.)

    25 shards (1 free, 1 paid refresh) per day spread over 7 days = 175 shards.

    Now this is all random, so you could get shafted pretty hard, but if you have both toons at 5 stars, then you need 185 shards to get each toon to 7 stars.

    So it looks like this event is intended to bring these toons up to 7 stars, assuming you have them at 5 stars to begin with.

    If we address the case of people who have paid to gain access to one tier of bonus shards during the Marquee event -- giving you 40-50/65 on the way toward 5 stars, then you need 15-25 shards from the additive drops before the Assault Battle begins.

    While that seems optimistic, with purchasing a small number of shards from the store (10-20) + additive drops, people performing all the refreshes should get 1 toon to 7 star or extremely close and the other toon within 80 shards, probably within 50.

    The strategy for getting the 7-star toons without spending more than 80 crystals per shard would then be to push for 5* toons to start the AB event (either through aggressively pursuing additive drops and getting lucky or through shard purchases in shipments).

    Then when the AB is over, you wait instead of immediately finishing off your toons with shipments. If the raid drops before the AB comes around again next month, finish with shipments and relic them up.

    If the raid doesn't drop before it comes around again, then get your free shards next month before finishing those toons with shipments.
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    Of course if it doesn't refresh daily, then buy what refreshes you can of t1, and buy the rest of your shards from shipments.
  • Decicrim
    247 posts Member
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead So the first thing to come through my mind with the Tier 6 - Relic 9 rewards
    If you want me to have any incentive to R9 these 2 toons please convey to team that if they added 30+ blue signal data as rewards i might think about it

    But for a measly 5 gydra pads OR 5 droid brains, not really worth it, i already have a ton of R9 mats that i cannot use because of blue signal data bottleneck
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    It's also just more useful in nearly all cases to have 2xr8 toons rather than 1xr9.
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    Decicrim wrote: »
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead So the first thing to come through my mind with the Tier 6 - Relic 9 rewards
    If you want me to have any incentive to R9 these 2 toons please convey to team that if they added 30+ blue signal data as rewards i might think about it

    But for a measly 5 gydra pads OR 5 droid brains, not really worth it, i already have a ton of R9 mats that i cannot use because of blue signal data bottleneck

    Agreed. I'm still a long ways to go towards POW and MQG, but those rewards just don't seem to be worth it. Getting two characters to R9 to be able to play, let alone beat (we don't know how difficult it will be), a tier to get only one of those mats, granted we're talking about 5 pieces, but it's still either one or the other. And we probably won't even notice that much of an impact from a R9 POW compared to a R7. Meanwhile, I could get JML to R9 (he already is in fact, just using him as an example), I can use him in Conquest, TB, TWs, GA, etc., and the difference in Relic levels actually makes a difference.

    I don't have anything against additional rewards. If you can complete any tier of this new AB, you're still getting a bit more than you were before it was created. But I also believe that the rewards should be worth the investment. Getting just one toon to R9 is still a pain, let alone two. Now, if the AB turns out to be a monthly event and the tiers refresh daily, that'd be something else entirely. But for now, it just doesn't seem to be worth it. I already have to worry about my BKM toons, and I'm also trying and hoping to get Jar Jar before he comes back, even if it's just to contribute a bit more to the Naboo raid.
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    Now, if the AB turns out to be a monthly event and the tiers refresh daily,

    This is almost certainly going to be true.

    I think what you're missing here is the difference between a once-monthly event and a 7-times monthly event. It will be monthly, and every day that it is available, the tiers will be refreshed, but they're not going to run it 7 times in a row every month.

    ABs are 24-hour events. They don't have to put them back to back. In fact, they don't ever do that in the normal course of things, though occasionally for a May4th or Christmas/end of year thing they might. I pretty certain we're supposed to understand this as any AB, just that they're throwing a bunch in a row this first time to allow people to get the toons ready for the raid.
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    You have a point Seedy. I guess we'll just have to wait to find out for sure. Still, getting only one of the two materials doesn't seem like it's worth getting two toons to R9 when you could work on relicing toons for TBs or ones that noticeably improve from R7 to 9.
  • DarthCha0s13
    103 posts Member
    edited June 22
    Didn’t the initial run of the Inquisitor Assault Battle last for 7 days? Afterwards, I think the event ran twice a month for a while before finally going to its current once a month.

    Quick edit: Initial event was active for 7 days but wasn’t daily refreshed.
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    I'm of the opinion that this AB will be daily refreshed.


    Because 141 shards from t1 + refreshes and ~175ish from t2+refreshes allows people who are at 30/85 to take their toons to 7 stars at the end of the event.

    Most people who are actually intending to play these toons in the new raid used only the crystal-efficient pack spending initially, which means that they were at 40-50/65.

    But... we're also having additive drops. Depending on how much you spend on energy for the additive drops, 1% * 1k energy / day OR 1.5% * 670 nrg/day = 10 shards/day = 40 for the event, taking someone from 50/65 up to 25/85.

    It's not quite enough to set you up perfectly for the AB (if it's refreshed daily), but it's super close.

    And though we don't have great data, it appears that we're getting an average of around 1.5% drops.

    It all just seems pretty mathematically calculated to get people to spend crystals like crazy on the refreshes during the ABs.

    **IF** you spend on all those refreshes, you should end up very close to done at the end, even without buying any shards directly from shipments.

    **BUT** it's going to take 14k crystals. (2x500 crystal refreshes for t1, or 1k/day; 1x1000 crystal refresh for t2 or 1k/day = 2k/day).

    If they dropped the toons far enough out that you could finish them with 15 att/day on a hard node, you'd be spending 75/day on node refreshes and maybe 75 on energy per toon (3*50 crystal refreshes split between two toons.

    150/day over 60 days = 9k crystals. AND you don't have to horde.

    They're trying to strip your crystals in big chunks, forcing people who can't maintain a large cache to spend $$. (Or €€.)

    I don't really care that much for myself. I'll still have 40k crystals after the crunch, but I have a lot of guild mates who aren't going to be ready for the raid because of this setup.
  • Egnards
    30 posts Member
    My belief is that it is running for the first time with a 7 day daily refresh cadence to reward early adapters with relic materials and maybe convince people to do that again in the future, after which it will be a one day monthly event.

    If it follows normal cadence of AB the r9 tier is pretty crazy awesome. You’ll see ROI on those mats within 1.2 years [13 events with an additional in December], which doesn’t even include higher boxes in the raid adding to it.

    I had no intention of bringing either character to r9, but now once farmed I will do so immediately.
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    After showing it had a reset taking it away after the fact is super scummy. I would not have taken the 2 new characters to r9 if I had known they where gonna take away the reset.
  • Boofpoof
    347 posts Member
    edited June 24
    TomPeacock wrote: »
    After showing it had a reset taking it away after the fact is super scummy. I would not have taken the 2 new characters to r9 if I had known they where gonna take away the reset.

    I’m of the same opinion as @Decicrim in that either droid brains/gyrda brains is NOT enough to justify an R9 expenditure. If it gave both (and say make it 10 vs 5) AND included some blue signal mats (30-50) I think that would be a more reasonable incentive to R9 TWO toons.
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
  • Yrendar
    16 posts Member
    edited June 24
    You are just pathetic.
    Nothing done with GG the Immortal for a month, but if the player gets some unintented advantage, you are the fastest. Just pathecit.
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    Yrendar wrote: »
    You are just pathetic.
    Nothing done with GG the Immortal for a month, but if the player gets some unintented advantage, you are the fastest. Just pathecit.

    Also OP, maybe next time don't draw attention to things like this huh
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    Bug make player have more reward : fix in one day
    Bug make player have less reward : fix in more than 2 month (ghost of dathomir)
    thanks cg
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    The C in CG stands for Capital, what else you'd expect
  • LordOfVoids
    49 posts Member
    edited June 24
    I very upset about the hot fix! I took both of mine up to R9 because of the refresh!
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    I do feel a bit of a bait and switch.

    When an assault runs for 2 days: we get rewards for 2 days.
    So why would we not take that to mean an assault battle that runs for 7 days has rewards for 7 days.

    Initially I thought we would only get rewards once (like a week long legendary), until this link to existing assault battles pointed out.

    Admittedly I thought the week long version was very nice, probably a one-off, as you want people to farm up for new incoming imminent raid; but was not going to miss out.

    So bought a lot more refreshes that I normally would during the additive drops; plus a shipment for 16 more to ensure I was 5* on both, and could benefit from 7 days of the second tier. That made that crystal investment worthwhile.

    It was not worthwhile for a single (or even two) day assault battle.

    Shame on me for trusting what was announced and rushing to be ready.
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