Is general grievous good?

8 posts Member
edited April 2016
I don't feel like getting any other sub par characters in Arena currency and was debating using them for General Grievous in shard shop. Is he any good and worth the crazy amount of shards?

Is general grievous good? 21 votes

Yes get him
MittensSekubenacrowZiggy23NATICALcapGamesArtist 6 votes
No he's bad
BarrokvincentlondoneffdashMateosiusDarthTRexusKrixWildGruntKamikazeRhombusOobydoobDekayingsoulCPMPDeadHeadAndymorcseaItsJarJarBinkzTheMadTwadder 15 votes


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    No he's bad
    I ve read in older threads in this forum that he is bad
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    Yes get him
    It.depends on the team and star rating, mi e is only 4 star right now and dies fast but his abilitys and hos uncouterable basic attack make him useful.
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    He is great. I got him last week and he is 4* and I am still gearing him up, but remain in the top 50 in the arena. However, the way the meta is now, you need to have hk for a lead and it would be wise to use poggle with him as he is just very slow. This may change with the update tomorrow but I'm hoping the protection makes him even better.
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