Bonus drops? What bonus drops.



  • Egnards
    35 posts Member
    Rius wrote: »
    People like Egnards are so needed but he probably will get more trolling than people looking at their own inner bias or belief that theres a conspiracy. Ok its additive drops so im thankful that we can get a bit more but the entitlement some display is beyond reason

    It’s not entitlement to be frustrated by poor RNG if you invest in hoarding or purchasing energy. It’s a fairly normal response. And Egnard’s comment involves large data sets on previous drops. These threads usually are full of players with bad RNG trying to get confirmation if CG moved the goals on drop rates or if they are having a personal bad run with bad RNG. Because one account is not sufficient know. Usually there’s a good old mix, which disproves the “conspiracy theory” if you can even call it that. It certainly appears to be an emerging pattern these are low odds experienced by multiple players, without too many cases disproving it yet. But I am sure someone will supply a large dataset eventually.

    Personally if something is running fairly routine such as chase events dramatically altered drop rates should be pre-advertised as they are required to do for packs with RNG. Then we can decide if it’s worth chasing. The. You would have less moaning.
    Rius wrote: »
    People like Egnards are so needed but he probably will get more trolling than people looking at their own inner bias or belief that theres a conspiracy. Ok its additive drops so im thankful that we can get a bit more but the entitlement some display is beyond reason

    It’s not entitlement to be frustrated by poor RNG if you invest in hoarding or purchasing energy. It’s a fairly normal response. And Egnard’s comment involves large data sets on previous drops. These threads usually are full of players with bad RNG trying to get confirmation if CG moved the goals on drop rates or if they are having a personal bad run with bad RNG. Because one account is not sufficient know. Usually there’s a good old mix, which disproves the “conspiracy theory” if you can even call it that. It certainly appears to be an emerging pattern these are low odds experienced by multiple players, without too many cases disproving it yet. But I am sure someone will supply a large dataset eventually.

    Personally if something is running fairly routine such as chase events dramatically altered drop rates should be pre-advertised as they are required to do for packs with RNG. Then we can decide if it’s worth chasing. The. You would have less moaning.

    Bonus events, which are different from Chase events, have always had varying drop rates.

    It’s not even “bad RNG,” it’s not understanding that each bonus event has an independent drop rate; and this one is just particularly bad. . .for everyone.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Players need to adjust there expectations, and stop with the oh it was alwasy this so it should be this again.
    If CG was going to go that way they would publish the drop rates and say it is x per y, but they don't.
    Assume the rates will be horrible. Will I always hoard up a couple of days of energy for these sure, I still expect the rates to be horrid everytime. It is not like the bonus reward is the only thing you are getting.
  • PB940
    20 posts Member
    Personally, I’d prefer them to change it to, “guaranteed drop event,” than take my chances with a 2x event.

    Mainly cos everyone knows that 2x0=0
  • Blubcop
    430 posts Member
    PB940 wrote: »
    Mainly cos everyone knows that 2x0=0
    And 2x1=0, 2x2=4 and so on which is double of the stuff you get normally
  • Boofpoof
    348 posts Member
    Yes but they tell us bonus drops and maybe what the scaling is. According to other posts, it sounds like they flat out lied about the % drop rate. Good old fashion fraud.

    Not fraud. First of all it’s “additive drops” and not “bonus drops”. Do I think the drop rates were abysmal for this event? 1000 percent yes I thought so. I had hoarded 2K in regular energy and like most people I was in the mid 30s/65 for POW before the event started. When the smoke cleared on day one I had gone to mid 30s/85. I attribute that to the energy tied to hard nodes but it was still a lot of 1s and some 0s.

    Compare that to the Gungan bonus drops (or additive…lol I can’t remember) it seems to be a night/day difference. I didn’t have to endure a painful Phalanx fleet node farm because I hoarded and smacked those energy nodes to get to 7* before the event ended.

    At the end of the day however you still have more shards of characters that aren’t farmable yet. We can disagree till the cows come home about drop rates etc but still I am thankful that I got the opportunity to chase characters that aren’t farmable yet.
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Yes but they tell us bonus drops and maybe what the scaling is. According to other posts, it sounds like they flat out lied about the % drop rate. Good old fashion fraud.

    Not one post from CG has what the % drop rate will be, cause if they had stated it would be the 1% it seems to be I would not have hoarded as much.
  • Options
    Boofpoof wrote: »
    Yes but they tell us bonus drops and maybe what the scaling is. According to other posts, it sounds like they flat out lied about the % drop rate. Good old fashion fraud.

    Not fraud. First of all it’s “additive drops” and not “bonus drops”. Do I think the drop rates were abysmal for this event? 1000 percent yes I thought so. I had hoarded 2K in regular energy and like most people I was in the mid 30s/65 for POW before the event started. When the smoke cleared on day one I had gone to mid 30s/85. I attribute that to the energy tied to hard nodes but it was still a lot of 1s and some 0s.

    Compare that to the Gungan bonus drops (or additive…lol I can’t remember) it seems to be a night/day difference. I didn’t have to endure a painful Phalanx fleet node farm because I hoarded and smacked those energy nodes to get to 7* before the event ended.

    At the end of the day however you still have more shards of characters that aren’t farmable yet. We can disagree till the cows come home about drop rates etc but still I am thankful that I got the opportunity to chase characters that aren’t farmable yet.

    Yeah I suppose that's kind if fair. In farming stuff you need, you get a few shards. I suppose if your only hoping for shards than your mad AF at not getting much, but if your farming materials, then your just happy with the shards.
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