Can home screen button priority be adjusted?

Is there a way that button priority can be adjusted in the future? The guild event buttons (TB and TW) seem to get pushed off the home screen when there are special events, etc.
It makes it that much harder to keep folks aware of guild activities.
Right now, the Conquest Pass and GC buttons seem to be the least necessary on the main page.... So maybe they could be assigned lower priority when there are too many buttons to fit? dvmqmkzlfpn3.jpg


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    No argument from this corner. I almost forgot to set my defenses for last TW and I forgot to sign up for this week's GAC. Yes, I know that for GAC we get a message that a new round is beginning. The problem is we already have real life to deal with and who knows how many other things to worry about in GoH. And not having a button visible isn't helping.

    But it is CG we're talking about. It's basically obvious at this point that whatever is making them the most money is top priority. The Conquest Pass button goes without saying. And the Special Event button is there to remind everyone to take advantage of, i.e., spend as much crystals/money as possible, if you want to get the latest toons faster. Meanwhile, stuff like TW and GAC gets pushed to the bottom or doesn't show up at all.
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    100% agree
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