JEDI LSB purchase error and charge on card but no relic jedi

7 posts Member

Just a word of caution. I got the pop up for the new jedi LSB. I am using the PC beta app. I hit purchase and it processed and charged my card. then the game went to open the purchase and it said "error" then I had a mail in my inbox. The message said there was an issue with my purchase and they have compensated me with 2800 crystals. there is the charge on my card but no relic Jedi.

This is obviously a problem since I would not have spent $20 on crystals for this account. That crystal value is far far less than what the 5 relic Jedi are. and even if I was just purchasing crystals (which I may do on my main but my alt account only purchases LSBs) The $20 crystal pack in the app is for 2940 crystals not 2800 so I am getting less than an equal crystal value.

Not sure what to do now. hoping to get this sorted somehow as I really wanted the jedi not crystals.

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