Permanent Lightspeed Bundles

I’m making this discussion because I believe that all of the Lightspeed Bundles that have been released should be available for purchase on the store permanently. I have been told that Lightspeed Bundles are supposed to allow new or returning players to obtain older core squads and characters while still farming newer content. If that is true then lightspeed bundles shouldn’t be limited to such short stints on the store and should be available permanently. I can only imagine how I would have felt when I started my last alt if the Hyperdrive Bundle was only available for a week and then disappeared, potentially never to be available again, and I had been stuck watching myself plummet in GAC. If anyone else agrees with me, get this discussion going so our opinion can be heard in a constructive way.


  • Options
    I would agree but perhaps at some time distance from release? At the release of a new LSB the previous set is added permanently to the store?
  • Cfo
    3 posts Member
    Couldn’t agree more. Wasn’t level 85 for many core LSBs that I will never get around to farming. Feels counterproductive on CGs part when there’s loyal players like myself ready to purchase these things but alas they aren’t available.
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