Galactic Challenges

9 posts Member
edited July 1
GCs are getting out of hand ATM. Difficulty has spiked hugely since gungans dropping. Today's non of my GLs could survive the higher tiers. This is a first. You seem to think setting gungans as the squad to use and over clocking the damage is gonna sell packs but it won't. You haven't got any good packs for one, and just look at the events discord. People are fed up on mass and hating it. Please fix it.
Post edited by crzydroid on


  • Mace
    30 posts Member
    Messa Brinks,
    Thinking your droid brains are not in the proper AI slot. Diving into the bombastic deep with minicloredance events requiring bombastic Gungans is stupidly bombad.
  • HellScream
    29 posts Member
    edited July 1
    These late GC’s are getting out of hand, current one my Leia team loses, Rey loses. Stop being greedy CG, if this is your way of making people spending money into this game you are doing a really terrible job.
    Post edited by crzydroid on
  • Tamtel_Skreej
    23 posts Member
    edited July 1
    Without the FULL Gungan squad feat, the only team I was able to get the feats with was Inquisitiors. (managed the other 3 feats at T9 and complete the battle only at T10). JMK came close for me as well (would probs work with higher relic levels than I have) but this JML team is pretty insane!
  • HellScream
    29 posts Member
    edited July 1
    Very well modded Jabba team gets stomped. Get you stuff straight cg and stop making these ridiculous galactic challenges
    Post edited by crzydroid on
  • Legit
    51 posts Member
    This just proves CG doesn’t listen to the community. They don’t care what we want. Soon as the money stops flowing they will scrap this game in a heart beat. Glad this isn’t the only game I play.
  • Legit
    51 posts Member
    Just a reminder for those who actually try hard on these this is what you’re getting. 10 Ezra shards and some mods you’ll probably end up deleting.

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    GLK with Padme instead of GAS works for me for all the feats except gungans
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    JML, JKL, JKR, GMY, Hoda was my first and only attempt on T10, used GMY to ensure I could get the evades.
    Seemed pretty easy tbh, even tried to drag it out to ensure enough evades.

    My gripe is that the last two Gungan GCs have been against inquisitors and now JML/JKR which are both teams that the Gungans struggle against, which means the faction feat is actually pretty darn difficult compared to all the other feats.
    Would be nice to throw players more of a bone and let the early GCs be against some factions where the Gungans do a lot better.
  • Egnards
    33 posts Member
    Legit wrote: »
    This just proves CG doesn’t listen to the community. They don’t care what we want. Soon as the money stops flowing they will scrap this game in a heart beat. Glad this isn’t the only game I play.

    Of course CG doesn't listen to you, or me, or to anyone. CG is a subsidiary division of a multi-billion dollar company and their goal is to produce revenue. There goal is to delicately balance frustration to maximize spending. The reality is that in many cases the people who complain the loudest are the people with the smallest [or not even] wallets, there is no incentive for them to listen to those people.

    When CG does listen to us, it's not because we posted a thread on the forum/reddit/discord, or because we filled out a survey with a bunch of mean words. It's because they've looked at metrics for a specific thing and determined that continuing in that direction with a particular event/deal is not the most advantageous thing for them.

    Sometimes CG's goals and player goals align - Double shards, Double gear drops, new player experience, etc. . .But often they do not.

    However I will say that even with a team of full r9 Gungans all using 6A mods. . . I literally just gave up, got my 2 omicrons, and walked away.
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    Legit wrote: »
    Just a reminder for those who actually try hard on these this is what you’re getting. 10 Ezra shards and some mods you’ll probably end up deleting.


    we just gona forget about the 2 omis ?

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    The Gungan GC's have been a clear competition to see which one generates the most complaints.

    Nothing else I can think of to explain what we are looking at here.
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    None of my GL teams can even beat tier 8. I’m about done with GCs. Not worth the time or effort. Hey @CG_Tusken_Meathead can you ask the devs why they hate the community so much? Like that’s gotta be the only explanation here. Or incompetence….
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    This is outrageous! I have R8 gungans with R9 Jar Jar and I can't even kill off one person! I refuse to Omni Phalanx.
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    if u didnt notice they made some new GC very hard, kinda dumb but its the new dumb thing if u want play the game
    so just dont apply the GC omicron on the gungans and go for t8, wasting 20 omi materials to make red box its not a great choice
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    Getting sick of every other Galactic Challenge being for Gungan Squad, reminds me of when Mandalorian Squad first came out, now look where they are in the game ( back burner ). I know I'm not the only one out here in a galaxy far, far, away who knows there is more squads out here that could have a Galactic Challenge too, which by the way haven't seen one a long time ago. Mix it better to make the game more interesting in the Galactic Challenges.
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    I always thought these challenges were supposed to be challenging but doable. This isn't challenging anymore, this is just simply not playable. It has absolutely nothing to do with being a challenge anymore
  • spankyPants
    12 posts Member
    edited July 1
    Seconding both comments above. Trying to force players to splurge out cash to obtain the fifth required character is bad enough. Trying to force them to pay even more to push to high relic levels is reprehensible and unconscionable. And it beggars belief that this is centred around forgettable and frankly racist characters like the Gungans — it’s just icing on the cake in terms of your disrespect for your loyal users.
  • Fenn93
    32 posts Member
    Seconding both comments above. Trying to force players to splurge out cash to obtain the fifth required character is bad enough. Trying to force them to pay even more to push to high relic levels is reprehensible and unconscionable. And it beggars belief that this is centred around forgettable and frankly racist characters like the Gungans — it’s just icing on the cake in terms of your disrespect for your loyal users.

    I third on the first part of your statement but how are gungans racist?
  • Jons
    9 posts Member
    Just tried again and the damage is just insane. Stop being greedy CG
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    Getting tired already on the Galactic Challenge for Gungan squads every other one, and looking at the discussions, I'm not the only one who is. There are many squads that have been neglected for Galactic Challenge for therre to be Gungan squad GC to be every other week, seems to me that's exactly what happened when Mandalorian squad first came out, now look where they are in GC the back burner. We're in a galaxy far, far , away, so let's try some different squads in GC which was a long time ago.
  • TVF
    36802 posts Member
    first time?
    I need a new message here.
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    I apologize if this is in the wrong category. But these toons are horribly op'd. First I thought it was just GAS. But I just had a supposedly R1 jml, BEFORE his ultimate one shot my R8 jmk.
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    This is insane.
    SLKR, JML, Rey, Leia all fall in tier X, some can't even make one attack.
    There is no difference between tiers 7 and 8: same relic levels, same zetas.

    JML hit so hard it kills R9 leia without any effort. Tried mirror matches, same. JML alone hand-palms and kills Jedi KCal and GAS at the same time.

    I can't even place in level X.-
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    Bane and another sith or SEE and bane can beat it. But yeah, anything else gets dusted. I'm more confused about how they keep gaining so much turn meter.
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    Bane and another sith or SEE and bane can beat it. But yeah, anything else gets dusted. I'm more confused about how they keep gaining so much turn meter.

    It's not that they have that many ways of gaining more TM - just HYoda's basic, JML's AoE and his granted ability. The problem is they have ridiculously high speed. My 600+ (if we count the speed from the Leader ability) JMK and the rest of the team got outsped and in one attempt I got rid of everyone except for JML, who then proceeded to steamroll my entire team.
  • Jons
    9 posts Member
    DW the next few don't get much better. Next needs full squad of jawa Vs traya sith, then full gungan squad req, then full hutt cartel needed, then gungan again.
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    The whole community asking for less Gungan GC, so naturally we keep getting twice in the next 2 weeks again
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    SchmaRorot wrote: »
    The whole community asking for less Gungan GC, so naturally we keep getting twice in the next 2 weeks again

    I'm sure they were already planned - it's got nothing to do with what the community does or doesn't want.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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