Did they nerf damage for ships?

39 posts Member
Now i know everyones **** about the damage nerfs (im not down at all for longer battles) but what if this is the start of something else? What if they will introduce ships soon that do a ton of damage but only as a first attack or something to bring toons down to reasonable health? I honestly doubt this tbh but just a thought tell me what u guys think!


  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Ships are worthless now! I'll never use my ships now! Why did they have to nerf them?? WHYYYYYYYY!?!?
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    Their concern with this update was to prevent one-shots and other elements that make battles go too fast and involve no strategy. They also wanted more diversity of teams. It remains to be seen if they have been successful at that. People are going only by reductions or increases in stats at a level that no one has reached, so in effect it's not a nerf or buff but a decrease or increase in how much that level increase will be compared to what it would have been if they hadn't made these changes. But the numbers out now on the boards from datamining mainly do not reflect any changes on levels that people are actually playing at. Those numbers won't available until the final update of the day is available and dataminers can take a look through it.
  • Drew
    39 posts Member
    Parableman wrote: »
    Their concern with this update was to prevent one-shots and other elements that make battles go too fast and involve no strategy. They also wanted more diversity of teams. It remains to be seen if they have been successful at that. People are going only by reductions or increases in stats at a level that no one has reached, so in effect it's not a nerf or buff but a decrease or increase in how much that level increase will be compared to what it would have been if they hadn't made these changes. But the numbers out now on the boards from datamining mainly do not reflect any changes on levels that people are actually playing at. Those numbers won't available until the final update of the day is available and dataminers can take a look through it.

    Thanks for replying, I was aware that it was to erase one shots but i never thought of how it could make some more diverse teams. I guess this will help decrease the risk of farming a garbage character because they will be more balanced? Anyways, what are your thoughts on the update? Good or Bad?
  • Options
    After having seen a RG and fives one shotted post update (6*), i have a funny feeling that not all is as it should be.
  • Options
    Polarice wrote: »
    After having seen a RG and fives one shotted post update (6*), i have a funny feeling that not all is as it should be.

    Considering it's not fully live yet, you should wait longer before you make your determination.
  • Options
    My Moldy Crow was completely nerfed. Change it back or I walk, EA!!
  • Options
    Polarice wrote: »
    After having seen a RG and fives one shotted post update (6*), i have a funny feeling that not all is as it should be.

    Considering it's not fully live yet, you should wait longer before you make your determination.

    It's not live at all
  • Drew
    39 posts Member
    Miepmorp wrote: »
    Polarice wrote: »
    After having seen a RG and fives one shotted post update (6*), i have a funny feeling that not all is as it should be.

    Considering it's not fully live yet, you should wait longer before you make your determination.

    It's not live at all

    It is at least partially out, they have changed the graphic for the health bar and I can already notice longer battles :/
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