I don't know what happened to him but my prized fotp that use to destroy everyone now hits half as hard as he did. Don't know if it's worthwhile to finish him as I came so close as meta will most likely change again but just disheartened that he was such a boss now he seems useless


  • Jdm1a0
    180 posts Member
    His damage over time as battles draw out longer will help balance this problem.
    7k double crit basics all the time to ko people cause everyone to kill him 1 round, so we used rg to protect him. Now we have protection, rg, and a kylo ren thatll do way more damage than you think combined with FOST amd his def up buff if you dont take him out. Priorities in the arena will change with time...and with people forgetting fotps stigma of being a 1 shotter. They said there would be a new focus on full team synergy, this is a good example.
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    IMO, FOTP was way too powerful to begin with.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    Yeah fotp was strong. But he has no health. And even max stats could easily be one hit.
    "May the Schwartz be with you", Yogurt

    Guild: -FTB- Reign Of Fate
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    Does he die as fast as before?
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    He was double hitting 8-10k before and yes he died pretty quick now he's hitting 2-3k mostly one shots and dies just as fast. I'm trying things in galactic war with phas and Kylie and rg but still not working out like it was
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    Halved his damage and he double shoots much less now. I'm sad..took me so long to max star him :/
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    one of my favorites.. he shot in arena for 2300k. one.

    RIP fotp we had some good times
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