Need explanation about dooku leadership ability

First of all, let me make something clear here. The reason why I put up this post is because I would like to get some clarification from the developer, not reply from those sarcastic or bragging members. The post from those members will completely be ignored.

In the past two months, when dooku has been heavily used as a leader in my server, I ve seen events that I believe could be a result of a bug in dooku leadership ability. In areana battle, most of dooku team members, including himself, make several dodges consecutively from attacks performed by seperate members of my team. For example, this morning, a GS (with dooku as a leader) made 4 consecutive dodges from 4 attacks from 4 different attackers. I believe this is way beyond the 15% evasion chance. The other time, I ve seen QGJ (of course with dooku as a leader) made dodges throughtout the triple attacks from my Liea.

In addition, when compare this to Lumin leadership ability, even though the evasion chance is only 1% lower than dooku, Lumin and her Jedi teammates seem to dodge the attack significantly less often. Lumin evasion up skill (from her attack) also results in the same outcome. Based on my experience in using Lumin as a leader (for all Jedi team) in Galactic War for more than 5 months, I ve not seen any of my character do the consecutive dodges. What I ve seen has been that the character tend to dodge slightly more often than when Lumin is not the leader. I also believe that this difference is one the main reason why I ve not seen many Lumin leading teams in my server (have not seen at all for the high rank players), even though her leadership skill is very similar to what dooku has.

To clarify to other members of this community, I ve not had any problem with how dooku and his skill been doing. I just want to make sure that the description of his leadership ability is correctly described. If this is what the developer intends to create, I m totally fine with it. Just make the description is clear becuse as mentioned when compare to Lumin skill, things seem to not added up. Lastly, I do not have any question nor problem with dooku 2 or 4 times consecutive attacks. I believe those are what the developer clearly describes in dooku skill descriotion.

Thank you


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    Hi Sibid.

    Thanks a lot for your post. I experienced exactly the same issue, that's why I came here. You already described everything, so I'm exited what the explanation will be.

    It feels like there is a 50% dodge rate for squad members with Dooku as leader....and that's annoying, cause this can't be the way it is intended to be.

    Best regards
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    While I would also want for the devs to make checks and an official statement, I would hint you in 3 directions: RNG, confirmation bias and small sample sizes.

    tl;dr; I don't think his evasion is off, I think it's our brains playing tricks with us.

    4 consecutive dodges in a row are unlikely, but with the massive amount of battling that happens throughout the game, by no means impossible. I just did a dooku (L) vs dooku (L) with around 3 dodges tops for the whole match. I faced a couple days ago a Luminara lead team where Fives (not a jedi) dodged 4 consecutive attacks (!!!) while finishing the 3 (me) vs 1 (him) alive and my 3 dead. This is the way a RNG works. Furthermore, lumi is more likely to have non-jedi partners, and has only had 14% in the last weeks, making a small difference eventually noticeable. And there might be bugs, but I think it's quite ok.
    Luminara's dodge was so good, some players recommended her over Barris in the yoda challenge for the evasion possibility.

    The confirmation bias tells that everyone not actively fighting it is likely to (unconsciously) avoid datapoints that contradict their theories, making it easier to see rare events that you want to see. It's hard to explain without making the reader/listener think that they are liars. That's not what I mean, this is how our brain works and tricks us, not something you actively do to push your argument forward.

    Small sample sizes with both of the above round them up into amazing theories. Unless you have taken note of every single attack you received, your data points are likely to be small and selective, because you're likely to ignore matches that go with just a couple dodges because "that's what you'd expect", while you're likely to take note of the matches that give a lot of dodges because of the "wow that was wild" factor. Actually, 15% is around 1/6, so it's around as common an event as you guessing correctly a six sided dice a few times in a row. Very unlikely, but still possible. When the amount of battles you play increases substantially, the chances of you experiencing it also "increase".
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    and please fix old ben's leader ability

    it's definitely not 15% evasion bonus
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