Eventually....a Rancor?

Do you think that SW:GoH will ever implement oversized characters that take up two spaces on the game board, or maybe all four?

I would love to see a challenge like "Defeat the Rancor" that is your squad (no allies) vs a giant Rancor. Or even a wampa or reek. Of course the specific creature's health bar would be MASSIVE and its damage EXTREME- but that is the point of a challenge, yeah?

I am also hoping for a Padmé eventually. No, not in her white outfit from the Geonosian Arena, but perhaps her purple one from the Battle for Naboo. And give her something cool like "Diplomatic Immunity," which increases her resistance to negative effects (or the whole party's resistance, double that amount for Jedi). Her basic attack might be "Aggressive Negotiations" and another skill could be "Handmaiden Disguise" which temporarily allows her to copy the skills of another squad member for two turns, at half damage/chance.
"At home on the fringes of space."


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