New update problems!

The new update is killing this game for me. EA should have stuck with fixing the bugs and providing new materials to upgrade your characters. The good idea fairy has struck again!!! Protection was a bad idea because your characters health is less now, the enemy is much stronger and has more health than you. I just played one of the challenges for credits, the one where you get 93K, I usually lose about two characters to Bane, with the new update, I lost all of them and they are level 73 with 7 and 6 stars! C'mon! Stop pushing updates no one wants. If you think an idea to improve the game is good, ask the folks that play everyday through a forum or something and give us a chance to weigh in. Be smart at keeping your customers happy so that they spend money on your game instead of regretting they ever did and they turn and take their business elsewhere. Read the complaints and see how this update is going. I guarantee that there are thousands that feel the same way that won't post anything because they don't want the hassle of making an EA account or feel that what was on their mind was already said. Ask us first plz!


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    I agree with Vooodooo. Latest update completely ruins the game. The mechanics now are completely off and protection is a joke. Vooodooo is right your characters with protection are so much weaker and the enemies are so much stronger now. What used to be fast paced engrossing game play now has devolved into a slog. The challenge mentioned above used to take me a couple of minutes to get through but now it takes literally five minutes while I wait for my team to beat down the droids before getting to Bane. I have all Level 7+ and 7 Star team too. It's ridiculous. Even the previous tweak where they completely weakened Sidious' attack was a bit lame.

    I used to churn through crystals because the game play was awesome and paced well. If they don't fix this I don't see myself playing this game much longer as its no longer fun anymore. It sucks.
    (In game - Veran - Officer of ALLIΔNCE Nu)
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    I, and many others have expressed intent to leave if this doesn't get resolved, what they are not saying is that "speedily" plays a large part of how many you lose, even a public announcement would calm down the roaring sea of people fleeing this game because until that time they don't believe you care.
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    Too late for me. I've already deleted the game data from my phone. They've officially lost me, and I was playing every day for a few hours, and yes, I've spent money on the game, and I completely regret it now.
  • Psi
    50 posts Member
    I like the idea of protection to give slower characters a turn, but the implementation is just bizarre. Royal Guard is now essential to any team in Arena. When he's maxed he's super strong with a ton of protection and since he taunts constantly it takes two/three rounds to kill him, by which time you are dead.

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    yeah this update is more like d a down date. Like seriously I have a decent team and if I dedicated my time could get to under 500 but now my team is garbage as I have a glass cannon speed team!!! Now I'm UNDER 1000 AND CAN"T COMPLETE GALACTIC WAR EVEN HALFWAY!!! Please fix this or I'm quitting the game and that would really be annoying because I spent money on this game!! Please fix this EA
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