This game becomes too time consuming

3 posts Member
edited April 2016
I like the idea of this update.

However, honestly speaking, now the game becomes TOOOOOOOOOOO time consuming.
It takes me more than one hour and a half to complete GW. Thanks a lot. But suddenly I realized, I got nothing more. It's only a waste of time.

I love this game. I paid a lot. But life is short. I can't afford to play for that much time. If this doesn't change in the near future, sorry, I have to quit.
Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    Consider two types of people, those with lots of money and no time AND those with lots of time and no money. The update seems to favor those with more time and no money and I think that was a mistake from a business perspective on EAs part.

    Most can agree some of its changes on the update are good. Having opened up the different combinations of teams is welcomed over cookie cutter teams. Taking more focus into stats other than speed is great. Even giving a shield so characters don't get one shotted I can get on board with. What is very disappointing to me is the extra time players have to invest to get the same results they achieved before the update.

    Would any of us mind extra events to allow us to play more? Nope.
    Would we kind faster energy renews to allow us to play more? Nope.
    Or how about new game modes to allow us to play more? Nope.
    Instead let's double the time it takes to do what players are currently doing now and call it a win. Lame.

    There are some who welcome this change, but Maybe even they will change their tone after two weeks of GW and two Sunday's past. I think the update as a whole is fine but would like more of a middle ground between play time pre update and post update.

  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Agreed, its like walking through a river of molasses
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    Bingo +1
  • Tiggus
    766 posts Member
    Agreed, the whole routine is about 30 battles a day. At 2 min per battle, that's fine, but now it's 5+ min, that's too much.
    I used to pass all 8 challenges battles on auto (while showering etc), now they too require time and attention...

    Need to find a way to reduce time now (less battles, more sim,... Whatever)
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
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    Yes, now every player comes from The D&D world, we don't have the time!!!
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    You are developing this game the few hard core D&D type kids on here. Before you have a lot people like me who enjoyed the game but can't commit more time...
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    AdamW wrote: »
    Agreed, its like walking through a river of molasses

    LOL +1000.... It was just more FUN before -

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    Why would you pay if you dont have the time?
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    Exactly I already spend an insane amount of time and money on this game and now I'm just gonna waste more time being bored in slow battles
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    Exactly I already spend an insane amount of time and money on this game and now I'm just gonna waste more time being bored in slow battles

    Really? They just sped up the battles
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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    Consider two types of people, those with lots of money and no time AND those with lots of time and no money. The update seems to favor those with more time and no money and I think that was a mistake from a business perspective on EAs part.

    Most can agree some of its changes on the update are good. Having opened up the different combinations of teams is welcomed over cookie cutter teams. Taking more focus into stats other than speed is great. Even giving a shield so characters don't get one shotted I can get on board with. What is very disappointing to me is the extra time players have to invest to get the same results they achieved before the update.

    Would any of us mind extra events to allow us to play more? Nope.
    Would we kind faster energy renews to allow us to play more? Nope.
    Or how about new game modes to allow us to play more? Nope.
    Instead let's double the time it takes to do what players are currently doing now and call it a win. Lame.

    There are some who welcome this change, but Maybe even they will change their tone after two weeks of GW and two Sunday's past. I think the update as a whole is fine but would like more of a middle ground between play time pre update and post update.

    I couldn't have said it any better. This downgrade is a disservice to us and to EA themselves put they were rushing without a thought or testing and are now paying the price. Have you seen the app review? Wowwwww
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    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread
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    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread

    Its an app. Deal with dev choices or go buy a real game.
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    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread

    Its an app. Deal with dev choices or go buy a real game.

    I believe they make money off many who play so shouldn't it be EA who gives us what we want or their jobs go bye bye? Anyways this is like the tenth post you have had in the last ten minutes, are you on your lunch break from fixing the terrible update your company just installed?
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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread

    Its an app. Deal with dev choices or go buy a real game.

    I believe they make money off many who play so shouldn't it be EA who gives us what we want or their jobs go bye bye? Anyways this is like the tenth post you have had in the last ten minutes, are you on your lunch break from fixing the terrible update your company just installed?

    No because in the end there was no contract saying if you pay for in app we will do everything buyers what
  • Options
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread

    Its an app. Deal with dev choices or go buy a real game.

    I believe they make money off many who play so shouldn't it be EA who gives us what we want or their jobs go bye bye? Anyways this is like the tenth post you have had in the last ten minutes, are you on your lunch break from fixing the terrible update your company just installed?

    No because in the end there was no contract saying if you pay for in app we will do everything buyers what

    if any company doesn't give the consumers what they want the consumers go elsewhere and the company loses money, lay people off. AND what do you mean by "we will do". I was only kidding about you working for EA
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    I really liked this game before, but GW took too much time. Now with the new update, GW takes up even more time and there are more events. And when raids come, then that means even more time. Considering how much money I've spent on this game, I really don't want to give it up, but if it takes up hours just to grind/farm, I might just have to give up the game.
    If battles will continue to be this slow, I really hope the game just gets rid of GW and give the GW rewards for completing the new events that were added. Or at least condense GW to just a 4 battles or less.
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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread

    Its an app. Deal with dev choices or go buy a real game.

    I believe they make money off many who play so shouldn't it be EA who gives us what we want or their jobs go bye bye? Anyways this is like the tenth post you have had in the last ten minutes, are you on your lunch break from fixing the terrible update your company just installed?

    No because in the end there was no contract saying if you pay for in app we will do everything buyers what

    if any company doesn't give the consumers what they want the consumers go elsewhere and the company loses money, lay people off. AND what do you mean by "we will do". I was only kidding about you working for EA

    I forgot the quotes after saying. And im sure ea doesnt base their jobs off 1 mobile game.
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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    O my god yes, I just basically said f it, all the characters I have been working on for MONTHS are now pretty much trash and screw gw I don't even wanna do it anymore. Who's dumb idea was this protection thing anyways??? This isn't freakin Halo gime a a break! wth EA, this is an app, not a full blown video game. Take me back to cod, if I watnted to play halo I would +100 on this thread

    Its an app. Deal with dev choices or go buy a real game.

    I believe they make money off many who play so shouldn't it be EA who gives us what we want or their jobs go bye bye? Anyways this is like the tenth post you have had in the last ten minutes, are you on your lunch break from fixing the terrible update your company just installed?

    No because in the end there was no contract saying if you pay for in app we will do everything buyers what

    if any company doesn't give the consumers what they want the consumers go elsewhere and the company loses money, lay people off. AND what do you mean by "we will do". I was only kidding about you working for EA

    I forgot the quotes after saying. And im sure ea doesnt base their jobs off 1 mobile game.

    You have a lot to learn about real life and business. good luck trying to change public opinion on the boards. No amount of words will change slow and time consuming game play
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    no one told you to play the game! No one forced you to do so for months... This is your problems, not EA's. If you don't agree, go read the licensing agreement...
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    no one told you to play the game! No one forced you to do so for months... This is your problems, not EA's. If you don't agree, go read the licensing agreement...

    Many consumers are unhappy with the current state of the product EA is producing. If consumers are unhappy, it IS the company's problem.
    On a completely unrelated note, pugs are the best
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    I will support everyone who agrees with me and I will deride all who oppose me.

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    Before update, GW too easy.

    After update, GW still too easy but takes twice as long for players with a decent roster, for everyone else, it's kinda brutal.

    Why not ramp up the difficulty instead of just adding this lazy unbalanced protection system? Maybe give players options, similar to the dailies, the harder encounters give more the easier ones give less?
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Nothing says you have to play the game all the time. The only reason one might feel compelled to finish every mode every day (as I do) is to remain competitive. But that is an illusion. If you don't play the game for a day or a week, you just stay where you are. You will always be competing with those in your power tier no matter what it happens to be at any time.
    Arena is the only mode in which you need to remain vigilant, since you can get knocked back farther the longer you remain inactive. Everything else is just a matter of instant gratification. We want to see our teams advance as quickly as possible.
    Making the battles take less time is not really a solution. People complain that the battles are too long, but if they get quickly defeated by an OP team they complain that the battles are too short - unless they are the OP team, then its ok. If you find it taking too long to complete GW then just play less of it and extend it for a longer period of time. You get the same rewards, but you don't get them as quickly. Same with farming.
    There is a lot to do in this game, which requires time. It would be really boring and unsatisfying if battles were over in a matter of seconds and you got your reward. That is what Sim tickets are for.
  • Pokebreaker
    734 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    Consider two types of people, those with lots of money and no time AND those with lots of time and no money...

    BUUUURN. You totally dumped on poor people with smartphones; high five! (He said sarcastically).

    They should just make this game subscription-Only, so only the "serious" gamers can compete with each other over who can make the most microtransactions in the shortest time. At least then they would be competing against their own kind, and not have to worry about poor folk ruining their property value. (He also said sarcastically)
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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    Consider two types of people, those with lots of money and no time AND those with lots of time and no money...

    BUUUURN. You totally dumped on poor people with smartphones; high five! (He said sarcastically).

    They should just make this game subscription-Only, so only the "serious" gamers can compete with each other over who can make the most microtransactions in the shortest time. At least then they would be competing against their own kind, and not have to worry about poor folk ruining their property value. (He also said sarcastically)

    Just saying go phones work
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    Spoony100 wrote: »
    You are developing this game the few hard core D&D type kids on here. Before you have a lot people like me who enjoyed the game but can't commit more time...

    +1 I quit. Primarily, the game wants to control when, how often and at what time I play. Now it wants more time? Also, There some some slight sense of purpose that after grinding challenges 500 made me wonder if even counting stars wasn't more amusing.
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    April 16, 2016:
    The day Star Wars fans finally realized that videogames are a waste of time.
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    April 16, 2016:
    The day Star Wars fans finally realized that videogames are a waste of time.

    Oh, but the memories...
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