GW and this "game"

I think that there is something wrong here, Gw : i find a crazy challenge, AI ALLWAYS STUN DOUBLE WITH ASSIST even if u change characters or party... i try many many time, i'm really mad, what wrong with u guys, previous to patch a game must be check it, try if work good or not.... Dodge other log, 14% give me to miss 6time in 7 attack.... It's not a 14% ....
The HEALTHBAR: i already see that bar before in an old update, WE SAY NO... The HEALTHBAR bar in The top is bugged... No display The real heal amount.....

Only a word. F I X

P.s. I'm really disappointed of the gifts that i find in game this morning, if the staff think that can apologize with that Stuff, he make a big mistake...


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