The biggest nerf goes to...

FOO basic attack.

FOO basic attack used to get 20% damage boost for each ally with advantage. So thats a 80% damage boost for the attack after marching orders and a 60% boost for his next attack if you have a tank taking all the attacks. And now...
They nerfed his basic attack damage by 10% and then gave him 10% extra crit damage. He might get a couple more crits in a fight now but his crits now hit for less then his non crit attacks did before the update. withought doing the math and taking into account armor and all he is only hitting for about 50% of what he used to.

I know nobody uses FOO and i have never seen him in the top 20 but my 6 star FOO has helped my non meta team place first in arena around 10 times last month against higher rated teams. I liked his utility and his damage wasnt that of a hard hitter but it was good. Now in have a new benchwarmer that i spent the last 2 months leveling up.

Guess thats what i get for not following everyone else and farming the all powerfull God QGJ.


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Yoda disagrees with your assessment. ;)

    All of Yoda's offensive numbers were nerfed - one as high as almost 70%. And for many, Yoda was a major investment, as he is not 1 hero, but the culmination of the investments in 5.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Don't be fooled by that 70%. It was based on a too-high data mine from weeks ago.
    Honestly I don't get all the fuss over Yoda, he doesn't seem that different to me?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Look at yodas skill set.. Nuff said.
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    I was playing yoda pre-update and keep playing it when i face debuff-heavy teams, or poe teams. Works the same as before. Never used him for his damage output.

    About FOO, can't say much. Never got it (although i wanted to eventually build up a FO team), and whenever i faced him, it was usually pretty easy to deal with him. Now everyone seems to be slightly easier to deal with (at least for the couple days the update has been live, I've had much less problems taking out all sorts of teams).
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    But Yoda is useful for support. His abilities are awesome: foresight, battle meditation the AOE that steals buff. What else you want more?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Don't be fooled by that 70%. It was based on a too-high data mine from weeks ago.
    Honestly I don't get all the fuss over Yoda, he doesn't seem that different to me?

    His abilities still work (obviously) - and he is a great utility. He just has no offensive punch anymore. I understand why they did it. He was a rock star - now he is one of the band.

    My point is that he was "over powered" in the sense that he had the great utility AND could provide offense (sometimes simultaneously). While many would suggest that that should be the case - he is Yoda after all, I realize that from a game balance standpoint he needed to be brought more in line with other heroes.

    The only thing that is odd about the whole Yoda situation is that, from the standpoint of "getting" him he is not like everyone else. To level/star/gear a hero, you focus on one. To do the same with Yoda, you need to do that for five. Now, again, to be fair, it's not like those 5 Jedi are useless (well, except for Plo Koon or Eeth...but that's a different thread lol) - so I understand that rationale. I'm okay with it - just was a little surprised (not the big SURPRISE! - just the regular one). :)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Have to take into account the armor changes every character hits for less now. Yoda does have a lot of utility though.
  • rugg
    20 posts Member
    Rp got destroyed bad n I had just 7 stared him/her thinking that since its already slow it wouldn't of gotten nerfed so hard
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    rugg wrote: »
    Rp got destroyed bad n I had just 7 stared him/her thinking that since its already slow it wouldn't of gotten nerfed so hard

    And yet QGJ is the most used character. His kit is crazy. Poggle offence up, GS assist, and Mace Windu buff remover, good speed and leader. Other characters are lucky to have one of those abilitys.
  • Options
    Expose got the biggest Nerf, and any character that uses expose got a big nerf. Mace, RP, RT, and Poe are now all much weaker
  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    QGJ is pretty balanced. Got a damage nerf but kit is decent.

    Yoda's damage nerf is way too far.

    I disagree completely with this.

    With the update, QGJ and GS still pack quite a punch because of the assists on such small cooldowns. Yoda's damage may have gone down A BIT, but his abilities are crazy good still, basically rendering the team immune to stun makes those assists units shine even more, and spreading foresight/Offense Up/heal dots is just making the fights longer. He is quite the pest. QGJ still calls 75% more damage on the assist. He removes buffs all the time...

    On what planet are you living to conclude such things? Have you actually checked how those units defend now?

    I've tried to beat the Dooku or QGJ led teams of RG/GS/insert pre-update favourite damager teams with slight variants and lost. I tried completely different teams and lost. I tested Resistance units, brought back Finn, used Shaman, both Jawas, they can's hold their own and WIN vs the same old meta because getting rid of assist units removed one very important source of damage (and control in the case of QGJ).

    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    QGJ is pretty balanced. Got a damage nerf but kit is decent.

    QGJ has more utility then 90% of the characters and his damage is top notch with an assist every other turn for 75% increased damage. buffing the whole team with offence up while removing a taunt. There is no other character that is used more in arena. Balanced?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    If you guys can't beat QGJ lead teams in offense, you has some issues. If that enemy has gear 9 all over, then i could understand. But QGJ was a bum pre-update already in defense. Focus him first and he dies in 2 attacks, some cases 3. Without alerting RG. I always focus him first, because i don't want him to give offense up to everyone. There's no denying he was/is awesome in offense. Only problem i see in the future is Rey. She already seems to have a lot of fortitude on her...

    Oh and GS was clearly nerfed. He never did 5k damage on his assist with Poggle lead, now he does.
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    QGJ is pretty balanced. Got a damage nerf but kit is decent.

    QGJ has more utility then 90% of the characters and his damage is top notch with an assist every other turn for 75% increased damage. buffing the whole team with offence up while removing a taunt. There is no other character that is used more in arena. Balanced?

    His assist is NOT every other turn.

    You are talking about GS.

    QGJ's assist is every other turn. Do you live under a rock?
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    Correct FOO basic went from hitting for 9k crit with people people with advantage to know 3-5k with crit.
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    FOTP is useless now, so much for buffing slow characters, hes slow and got no speed and had his damage slashed by at least 1/3, say one thing and do another, go devs
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    Fotp got destroyed, and he doesn't bonus attack as much as he used to either.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Yoda was annihilated yo. His overall damage was cut by over a third.

    His AE used to hit for 2k+ now hits for 1100. His unstoppable force used to hit for 5k now does 3.

    While this is true (and I realize I brought him up in the first place) the fact is, you don't need his damage anymore. After several arena battles yesterday and today, I am seeing his value more clearly (at least when controlled by the player).

    With longer battles and protection, he doesn't have to start with Battle Med to open. As such he can wait until an opportune time, steal a bunch of buffs with his AOE and then share them all with his teammates. While his attack power has gone down, his utility is much better now. He is a blast to play - especially with all the O-up buffs running around. Who needs Poggle or QGJ? Just use Yoda - and he can throw in a bonus foresight and dodge and max health and... you get the idea.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    RP 30% off her basic. Though she is still viable in Dooku teams.

    She lost her place as the best DPS in an assist based squad.

    I was pretty sure as soon as they didn't nerf the damage done by the assistie on QG and GS that they would be fine
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    FOTP I keep hearing has been nerfed is he still worth farming at this point?
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Don't be fooled by that 70%. It was based on a too-high data mine from weeks ago.
    Honestly I don't get all the fuss over Yoda, he doesn't seem that different to me?

    Dude, yoda is awesome. His single strategy to gain foresight then spread the foresight to every character is ridiculously game over.
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    Watch out for FOTP
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    I don't use him but looks like Resistance Trooper got hit really hard.
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    Robertdd1 wrote: »
    FOTP I keep hearing has been nerfed is he still worth farming at this point?

    I would say no, he was my go to for many things in this game now ive dropped him completely, his dmg isnt much better than a luminara crit now, its actually quite sad
  • Options
    Jedi got screwed.
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