Lets be real about the updates: ALL games change

There is endless whining about updates and game changes because it well, changed things. To some, it's more drastic than others. I get the outrage here. You spend X amount of time investing in a specific team and forming your entire approach around things. When that becomes nullified by game changes, it throws people off. That's rough, obviously.

But ALL games change, at least the competitive ones that remain constant.

Magic: The Gathering hasn't remained the dominant trading card game it has been for twenty years because the same strategy exists now as it did twenty or even ten, and even five years ago. New cards come along, certain cards get banned, rules change, and as a result, strategies change. What might have been good even a year ago isn't so stellar now. Does that suck? You bet, Magic can be an expensive investment.

StarCraft 1 and 2 didn't remain stable and competitive eSports because they remained the same. The original changed with Brood War, which introduced new game play and character stats may change with updates, to rebalance the game. The same is more so with StarCraft 2, which was fragmented into three releases with patches along the way. Unforeseen things occur when players dig in that devs and playtesters didn't discover, and they thus have to modify things to diversify the strategies.

The list goes on forever, to include a number of games. But the bottom line is EA is trying with Galaxy of Heroes and last night's massive item drop shows they care. Did it benefit everyone? No. But do you expect EA to go to each individual's account and cherry pick the characters that benefit the most from item drops and make it specific to each player? That's unrealistic, so it's going to be a massive drop and some are going to get the better deal than others.

Some of the more controversial changes were attempts by EA to change issues and adapt the gameplay to how we are progressing, to keep things fresh. Does it suck more for some than others? You bet. But that's the nature of any change, some are going to benefit, many will suffer, and some will be indifferent.

But guess what? It'd probably be worse if EA DIDN'T touch the game, it stayed the same, and the same strategy became dominant and we all cruised through the game doing the same thing. That's boring, and I'd probably be MORE upset with EA if things didn't get mixed up.

Some grievances are legitimate and EA is listening. But this is not the end of the world. Let's be adults and not grumpy little children. We can all find a happy medium having some rational discussion about a game that is at it's heart really awesome, which is why we all play it.


    333 posts Member
    All games change, but not to such a degree.
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    LMYYYKS wrote: »
    All games change, but not to such a degree.

    You're kidding, right?

    I play Magic: The Gathering rather casually and I watch some more hardcore fans curse like crazy because some cards they have that are high valued drop when Wizards bans them from play for being more powerful.

    A video game that doesn't have fifty dollar pieces of cardboard is small potatoes compared to that.

    People are being WAY too dramatic about this. It's really not that bad.
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    I don't mind if they change it to make it more fun. But the game has just frustrated me and a lot of other people over the past few days. Any change is not good...they need to figure out how to make a POSITIVE change
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    I'm more upset that they basically lied about what characters were getting buffs and nerfs, slower ones were supposed to get a damage increase and faster ones a decrease, instead almost everyone got a damage reduction which basically means they all stayed the same or the most part.
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    I don't mind if they change it to make it more fun. But the game has just frustrated me and a lot of other people over the past few days. Any change is not good...they need to figure out how to make a POSITIVE change

    I agree completely. This is where people can be collectively constructive and not just an angry mob. Because let's be real: EA isn't intentionally trying to make everyone angry.

    They're not perfect, as Star Wars: Battlefield Battlefront shows us. But things can be fixed.
  • donthack
    5 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Go look at world of warcraft.

    Then look what people ask for "servers for classic editions"

    what the devs say "you think you want them, but you dont, our game is better now"

    people quit the game in droves. now blizzard doesnt list numbers.
    blizzard recently shut down people playing on private servers (to get that classic game back)

    games change, doesnt mean its for the best.
    first people complain. if the devs want to be a big c*nt about it and say no you are wrong.
    people stop playing
    smart devs listen to their playerbase.
    stupid arrogant devs lol@their playerbase and say get over it
    customer service for this game literally lol'ed at me. i replied with "lol at my chargeback receipt"
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    Great speech! Lets keep this attitude going guys :D
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