Squad arena Power issue

79 posts Member
edited April 2016
I'm not sure if it's a bug or intentionally misleading, but Tier 52 player with 14206 power defetaed my team 15692 in the first 3 turns. All characters were 3 and 4 stars only, yet they obliterated me in no time, with 3 chars still on full health. So, my question is what is the power indicator for, and why is it so buggy?
Post edited by R4D4 on


  • R4D4
    79 posts Member
    Today, again got obliterated by a team 148xx and my power rating was 166xx in only 2 turns. Somehow the enemy team was able to do three turns one after another, despite my QGJ speed as a leader and loads of offense. What the hell is the Power for?
  • Options
    It's not buggy. The power indicator of a character is an approximate measure of a combination between stats, stars, level and gear. It doesn't say anything about synergies or how good a character is. I have 5 characters at level 73 right now, yet my highest "power" character is a lvl 70 (Poggle the lesser) that I use slightly less often. The squad power indicator is just the sum of the power of all characters.

    To take on teams, it's much better to not take power into account, and make sure that your characters work well together and are good at what they do. It doesn't matter that your character has 600000 power if his abilities don't really help your cause.

    Unless you have just discovered a piece of information we all ignore, likely those 2 teams were running rey, that is probably the hardest hitting character in the game as of now. I had to run from rey teams for quite a while before I could take them on. If not, they might be running droids, st han or something along those lines. Teams that are well known to work well together and hit hard, especially unprepared teams.
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