Teebo stealth issue

75 posts Member
edited April 2016
I've been using Teebo more to get past the Mace Windu challenge, and I've noticed that Teebo's stealth isn't working as advertised. It's probably just an issue of semantics, but the description says he gets stealth for 2 turns, which to me means two turns going forward. (Meaning he can use his basic attack twice while stealthed) As it is now, his stealth is removed at the beginning of his second turn. I feel it should be removed at the end of his second turn.


  • Psi
    50 posts Member
    Same thing when he has stealth for 3 turns when geared up. It vanishes when he starts his 3rd turn
  • Options
    I've noticed that there may be a bug with this. If Teebo is leader, his Guerilla Warfare leader ability gives 55% chance of stealth for each team member each turn. When I use Teebo's 2nd ability "Ewok Scramble Tactics", it should stealth Teebo for 3 turns. Frequently though, he is unstealthed before 3 turns. Since I've only observed this happening when Teebo is leader, I suspect that the leader ability also unstealths when it processes if it doesn't process to activate stealth. If Teebo is already stealthed, it incorrectly unstealths him before his 3 turns are taken. I've tested this out a couple of times ensuring the opposing squad doesn't have a toon that can dispel stealth.
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