Healing & Legitimate targets...

There are distinct advantages that a human has over the AI. It is hard to write an AI that is sensitive to, for instance, which other toons are on the allied team, what ability upgrades they have, and thus what a different toon might do 2 actions from now. The human can make a coordinated plan, and that helps a great deal.

However, there are advantages that the AI has over the human: rather than judging by a health bar, the AI has access to information like exactly how many health points each opposing toon has and how much damage a specific attack by a specific toon is likely to do.

Thus writing code for the AI to use a few of the most common tactics of human players - hitting the toon that is the most wounded already, for example - can make things way too tough for a human player against an AI with toons of equal PWR.

Sometimes that leads to results that appear to be nonsense (not attacking a toon in the red) without knowing the AI decision tree.

But there's a reason the decision tree works as it does, and you can't write a focussing strategy for the AI without using information contained in variables that is far more specific than anything to which a player has access...and that would border on unfair.


...there's not much focus on appropriate targeting by the AI. This is absolutely fine during attacks.


Right now, you have to use information about whether other toons are down health in the decision to heal. That's unavoidable.

Since it's unavoidable, can we please have the AI recognize when Healing Immunity is in play? If a toon has been inflicted with Healing Immunity, that toon should not be considered in the decision to heal.

I have had Sidius inflict HI on 2 opposing toons, with only one, fully healed opposing toon remaining. Whether the healer is at full or whether the healer has HI, when you've got that situation, using up your healing resources is a bad idea, especially when it also forfeits a possible attack.

...and yet, when you have 2 of 3 toons damaged and there's a heal available, the healer always chooses the AoE heal...which does nothing. It's clear that damage to toons with Healing Immunity is considered "healable damage" by the AI when deciding whether or not to heal.

That's wrong. Shouldn't be done. This isn't a matter of unfairly specific information being used to generate decisions that are too perfect to reflect the chaos of battle. This is something that is obviously going to be ineffective. It would be nice if the AI recognized that.
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