Patience is a virtue

8 posts Member
Don't get me wrong... When the new update was released I had my pitchfork in one hand and a torch in the other. However, I'm the type of person to give a situation time to develop. As a F2P, I've been grinding for months to raise the level of my meager team to reach "normal" game play. And when I did, I was pleased. When the new update first released, I found my team was getting stomped and pushed back to "easy" play, hence the pitchfork and torch. But the second day I was back to playing the levels I was currently grinding and today also. With the surprise of loads of gear in my inbox.

Basically I just want to say to those people that are saying they are instantly uninstalling the game, be patient. This game, as well as EA, isn't the first or last devs to launch an update that made people mad. But at least give them a chance to see if they will try to make things right, so to say.

I don't follow all the technical aspects of the game, but I have an understanding of how it's set-up to be played. Create a team that compliments the characters you have/use and you'll do better than a mish-mash of random characters.

I'm glad I stuck it out and am still enjoying the game. ^_^

Just my 2 cents...


    517 posts Member
    This is a lie...
  • Jynx
    8 posts Member
    What part is a lie? That I was mad? That I continued to play to see if I could play at the current level I was playing at? That I continue to play and enjoy the game?
  • DarthHernia
    200 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Me having patience doesn't make the dev team any less responsible for their own colossal ****-ups.

    And I'm not even one of those bitter P2W whiners bitter over lost investment. I like Protection and I like rebalancing the game. But the way the patch was executed was unacceptable.

    - Why would you roll out such a game-changing update on a fundamental level, in the same month you're supposed to roll out a new feature (guilds & raids)? Is doing one thing well at a time such an alien concept?
    - Why didn't you test your update before rolling it out? Look at the sheer number of bugs that came with it. Missing SE, broken characters etc. Even by normal patching standards this is an awful level of professional competency.
    - Why would you roll out this big an update on Friday? When you most likely won't be able to respond to situations?
    - Why are they still sitting on their **** when there's **** to be fixed? GW is still broken as we speak and they have the audacity to outright say "we won't do anything until next week so suck it".

    The way they handle the whole thing is awful. No excuse or patience on my part will fix that.
  • Jynx
    8 posts Member
    I'm not saying the update was perfect. What I am saying is that within days they have tried to ease the uproar of disappointment of the players. I don't know anything about writing code, but I can guess it's quite hard and takes some time to fix.
    517 posts Member
    ... there is only passion...
  • Options
    Sometimes change is good and sometimes it's not.

    Day 1: I was angry, the grass was already green, why change?

    Day 2: gifts make me happy and I forget why I was upset.

    Day 2 (cont.) I was able to compete for more gold mats, made me happy again.

    Update is growing on me, and the bugs are getting fixed

    End result, I still enjoy SWGOH and will still promote this game amongst my circle of friends.
  • Options
    Jynx wrote: »
    I'm not saying the update was perfect. What I am saying is that within days they have tried to ease the uproar of disappointment of the players. I don't know anything about writing code, but I can guess it's quite hard and takes some time to fix.
    Just reading the patch notes one can already infer they did not think the update through at all. You don't need to be able to write code to know they weren't taking it seriously.

    I'm referring to GW specifically. GW was too hard. People were outraged. They had to fix it. Then they unfix it by... restoring the fixes they previously put in. Really? A highschooler has better attention spam than these "programmers".

    What makes them think "making a non-replenishable health bar and make them fight 12 battles where enemies have said health bar replenish every time" a good idea? It doesn't sound fair even on paper. And they made someone go in and program this ****.

    Don't try to ease the uproar. Don't cause the uproar in the 1st place. ****.
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