Teebo unstealthing himself bug

If Teebo is leader, his Guerilla Warfare leader ability gives 55% chance of stealth for each team member each turn. When I use Teebo's 2nd ability "Ewok Scramble Tactics", it should stealth Teebo for 3 turns. Frequently though, he is unstealthed before 3 turns. Since I've only observed this happening when Teebo is leader, I suspect that the his own leader ability also unstealths when it processes if it doesn't process to activate stealth. If Teebo is already stealthed, it incorrectly unstealths him before his 3 turns are taken. I've tested this out a couple of times ensuring the opposing squad doesn't have a toon that can dispel stealth.


  • Options
    +1 makes Teebo lose all viability outside Ewok teams.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Wadlinq
    100 posts Member
    +1 This is incredibly annoying.

    Another question on the subject, when he is not used as leader, and stealths. Are the three turns supposed to include the turn of using "scramble tactics"? Because I always seem to loose it on the beginning of his third turn (meaning I only get the bonus effect on two basic attacks). in essence, does the action of using "Ewok Scramble Tactics" count as one turn for stealth?
  • Options
    I use a Teebo lead for the tank challenge and have experienced the same issue many times.
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