Time for a little change.

Basically I love the new update, before the update if you didn't have like 1 or 2 squad builds then you basically lost in the arena and some times GW.

Now before the update I didn't have any problem with GW and I got around #60 - #50 in the arena but definitely couldn't get passed that. Currently, I'm #17 and I just spent 50 crystals to get 5 more attacks (thank you for the extra crystals btw!) GW took me a little over 30 minutes to beat so it actually went down in time, at times it took me an hour before the update.

So let's get to what I meant by "Time for a little change." Most of the people complaining about GW is now too hard and Arena is too hard.. Try changing your squad up, you might lose some on the way, but I changed my team up and I have lost like 1 game in the arena since the update (Oh, and just to add in, Yoda is in my team and he is ALWAYS helpful.) So when people say they've tried to give the update a chance... It hasn't even been a week... Calm down. Lol

Change your teams up a little! Because you might find a winning squad that couldn't win before. :smile:


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